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This is the Real Meaning of Battle Spell Mobile Legend

Meaning of Battle Spell Mobile Legend — In the Mobile Legends game, there are indeed several terms that you should know, because sometimes these terms are important for the sake of the match.

This time we will discuss the meaning of battle spells in Mobile Legends.

For those of you who often wonder about the meaning of battle spells in Mobile Legends, you can listen to this article.

We will try to explain to you the meaning of the battle spell in the Mobile Legends game.

Meaning of Battle Spell Mobile Legend

In the Mobile Legends game, battle spells are very important, they can even determine your victory.

Battle spell is an additional skill that you can use when the Mobile Legends game starts.

Meaning of Battle Spell Mobile Legend
Meaning of Battle Spell Mobile Legend

This battle spell is different from hero skills, because the skills on heroes are very different, so one Mobile Legends hero with other heroes must have different skills.

Meanwhile, you and other players can use the same battle spell.

Number of Battle Spells in Mobile Legends

Until now, there have been a total of 12 battle spells in the Mobile Legends game.

Twelve battle spells Mobile Legends These are Execute, Retribution, Inspire, Sprint, Revitalize, Aegis, Petrify, Purify, Flameshot, Flicker, Arrival, and also Vengeance.

Each battle spell in Mobile Legends has a different function, so you have to be smart in choosing the battle spell you will use later.

Battle Spell Function in Mobile Legends

You must know the function of each battle spell in Mobile Legends. Because without knowing the function of the battle spell, then you will not be able to choose which battle spell is suitable for you to use in Mobile Legends.

The following are the functions of the 12 battle spells in the Mobile Legends game:


Deals damage to the opponent’s hero, suitable for killing enemies who are in a low hp condition.


Helps you kill forest monsters or buffs, making it suitable for heroes who need to do a lot of farming. Retribution can also be used on minions and can cause a slow effect when used on enemies.


Increase the basic attack, by using Inspire the attack speed of your basic attack will increase.


Increases your movement speed, suitable for increasing hero speed so you can escape from enemy pursuit.


Brings up an area that if you and a team’s hero enter the area, your cellphone and teammates’ cellphones will increase. Revitalize is suitable for use when you and your teammates are in a low hp condition.


Aegis can bring up a shield that can protect you and your surrounding teammates from enemy damage. Use Aegis when the enemy issues ultimate or devastating damage, so you and your teammates don’t take too much damage.


Gives a stun effect to enemies around you, stunned enemies will not be able to move for a few seconds.


Removes debuff effects or negative effects that you receive, such as stun or slow effects. If you use Purify, the stun and slow effects will disappear immediately.


Shoots damage to enemies, enemies hit by a shot will also receive a knock back effect. This knock back effect can make the enemy retreat, so you can also use this Flameshot to defend.


Moving to a certain area, you can use it to chase enemies or run away from enemy pursuits.


Switching to a turret, base, or minion, is suitable for heroes who want to push the turret.


Reflects the damage you receive, besides that when using vengeance, your damage reduction will also increase.

That’s what we can say about the meaning of the Mobile Legends battle spell and its functions. Hopefully what we say about this battle spell can be useful for you and other Mobile Legends players.

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