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The Best Build Items Phantom Lancer Carry Dota 2

OKEGUYS – The best build item for the Phantom Lancer role carry hero in Dota 2, follow this build so you win tonight’s ranked match!

For you role carry players in Dota 2, definitely use Phantom Lancer very often during public matches or ranked matches.

One of the heroes that is quite annoying is often referred to as Naruto in Dota 2, because he has a skill that can cast a thousand shadows.

It’s true, guys, shadows are Phantom Lancer’s main strength. Now OKEGUYS wants to tell you all the best build items that you can use when playing this one hero, check this out!

Build the Best Phantom Lancer Dota 2 Items

1. Power Treads

Build Phantom Lancer Dota
Photo: dotafire

For shoe items, Phantom Lancer can make Power Treads, guys. This item will be useful to him when early game for farming or stay on the lane.

Phantom Lancer can change the stats of this item according to the situation. other than that attack speed of this item is also very important for jungling or laning.

2. Diffusal Blade

Build Phantom Lancer Dota
Photo: dotafire

For those of you who don’t know, the Diffusal Blade is a mandatory item that a Phantom Lancer must have because it will provide mana burn every hit.

This item also has an active skill that you can use on enemy heroes, and when you use it will make the enemy hero run slowly.

3. Manta Style

Build Phantom Lancer Dota
Photo: dotafire

Even though all his Phantom Lancer skills can create shadows, he will still need Manta Style.

Manta will be very useful when doing dodge or avoidance. The stats of this item also give it agility the big one.

4. Aghanim’s Scepter

Photo: dotafire

In the latest update, Phantom Lancer gets Aghanim’s update which will be very useful. Juxtapose becomes an active skill and you can create more shadow troops than usual.

5. Black King Bar

Photo: dotafire

Phantom Lancer is a pretty weak carry when fighting disabled heroes, especially Earth Shakers. So he will need BKB to block Echo Slam which can kill him easily.

6. Heart of Tarrasque

Build Phantom Lancer Dota
Photo: dotafire

Being the last core item that Phantom Lancer must have, Heart of Tarrasque will be very good for you to make. This item can make the shadow very strong and difficult to fight.

Read also: Lina Mid Laner Dota 2’s Best Item Build

So there you have it, the best build item for the Phantom Lancer role carry hero in Dota 2 that you can follow. Just use this build item for ranked match tonight, let’s continue +25!

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