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Queen Elizabeth II's Used Gold Nintendo Wii For Sale For 4M

A look at a used gold Nintendo Wii of Queen Elizabeth II for sale by Donny Fillerup on eBay

eBay/Donny Fillerup

A look at a used gold Nintendo Wii of Queen Elizabeth II for sale by Donny Fillerup on eBay

GridGames.ID – Recently, news emerged that the gold Nintendo Wii game console that was used by Queen Elizabeth II has been sold.

The sales figure for this gaming device is also not kidding, which is touching the price of USD 300 or more than 4 billion Rupiah.

This expensive price is arguably reasonable considering the 24-carat gold layer that is in all parts of this device and coupled with the historical value that is owned by the Nintendo Wii.

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Meanwhile, this golden Nintendo Wii was actually a gift from the game developer from the United States, THQ, to the leader of the British empire.

THQ gave this gift because they learned that Queen Elizabeth II likes to play video games on Prince William’s Nintendo Wii console.

In addition, through this gift, THQ also intends to collaborate with Queen Elizabeth II to promote one of THQ’s newest games, Big Family Games.

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But apparently, the Queen did not have much time to play with this device so she only played the Wii bowling game for one round, before finally falling into the hands of someone else.

Then, who is the lucky person who managed to get this gold Nintendo Wii?


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