Psychoo to RRQ Replace LJ? This is Onic Rasy's answer!
Is it true that Psychoo is going to RRQ Hoshi to replace LJ? this is Onic Rasy’s answer!
LJ’s move to Evos Legends gave rise to a rumor saying that Psychoo would replace LJ at RRQ Hoshi.
It’s been a long time since the rumor has been growing in the pro scene of Mobile Legends Indonesia, even James, the coach of RRQ Hoshi and other streamers, has given an indication that Psychoo is indeed going to RRQ.
And regarding that one of Psychoo’s friends at Onic eSports, Rasy explained everything at the Quickie event last night (21/11/2021).
When asked by two hosts at the event, namely Wawa Mania and Clara Mongstar, Rasy answered as if she was confused or something was hidden.
“It’s okay.” said Rasy. “Psychoo status in Onic?” asked Clara. “Streamers.” said Rasy. “So it’s open for him to move to another team?” asked Clara again. “Possible.” replied Rasy.
READ ALSO: James Gives RRQ Hoshi’s New Player Characteristics!
The point is in the video, Rasy doesn’t know anything about the Psychoo rumors to RRQ Hoshi because it’s none of her business.
That’s the management of Onic eSports, what do you want to do in the future regarding Psychoo, does he stay or does he change teams?
Psychoo himself was reluctant to play for Onic eSports in MPL in season 6 because his motivation was starting to decline, so he finally decided to become a streamer.
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