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Know Now, These Are The Changes That Happen To The Human Brain When Addicted To Online Games

GAMEFINITY.ID, Singkawang – In this pandemic era that encourages everyone to stay indoors, games have become a necessity for some people.

Regardless of age, this online game becomes an addiction for both teenagers and adults. Seeing the spread of online games is getting wider, scientists have investigated how addiction to online games can change the pattern of the human brain.

Brain Changes Due to Playing Games

There has been a lot of evidence that supports the opinion that addiction to online games can change brain patterns is true.

In 2021, researchers collected and summarized 116 research results to determine how online games can change brain function and structure and affect the behavior of players.

Now based on these studies it can be concluded that online game addiction not only changes the way the brain works, but also changes the structure of the brain.

For example, playing online games is known to affect the level of focus and thinking ability of the brain. But most research results state that people who play online games can actually be more focused than those who don’t play them.

Research has also found that online games can increase the size and ability of the part of the brain responsible for visuospatial, namely a person’s ability to interpret visual concepts seen from the eye. Examples include reading distances, distinguishing shapes and colors, and placing objects.

Gamers also experienced an increase in the size of the brain part of the right hippocampus, which is where long-term memories are formed in the brain.

Some of the results of the research above can be said to be a positive impact of online games. However, what happens if someone has become addicted to online games?

Online Game Addiction

Anything that is excessive will have a negative impact on the perpetrators. In the case of this online game, if it is played without rules, it can make the players become addicted and lose track of time.

Research says there will be a problem with the brain of online game addicts. There will be functional and structural changes in the neural reward system related to feelings of pleasure, learning, and motivation.

Research published in Addiction Biology do a scan magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of 78 boys aged 10-19 years diagnosed with internet gaming disorder, and 73 other participants without the disorder.

In this study, scientists compared the relationships between 25 different areas of the addict’s brain games with the control.

As a result, the scientists found an increase in coordination between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the temporoparietal junction in the brain. It is suspected that this will limit one’s impulse control.

This condition is usually found in patients with Schizophrenia, Down’s Syndrome, and Autism, and other people with poor impulse control.

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