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How to Spam Bukalapak Termux 2021

How to Spam Bukalapak Termux

How to Spam Bukalapak Termux – Bukalapak is one of the most popular e-commerce or online buying and selling sites in Indonesia.

There are various goods sold at Bukalapak including electronics, clothing, cosmetics, food, medicines, plants, furniture and others.

Unfortunately, the popularity achieved by Bukalapak is used or misused by some people to be ignorant or for fun.

They usually send messages or chat spam to prank other people, to relieve boredom or boredom.

Messages sent on behalf of Bukalapak, as an official company and make the recipients of the message believe.

Discussion How to Spam Bukalapak Termux

Usually, perpetrators use scripts in the Termux application to launch their actions.

Although it does not harm the victim materially, not a few of them believe in the message sent by the perpetrator.

While Termux itself is one of the hack applications that is often used to carry out the hack process, one of Bukalapak’s spam is guys.

You must be curious, how do you do it? To answer this curiosity, let’s just look at the following review about how to spam Bukalapak Termux.

How to Spam Bukalapak Termux

How to Spam Bukalapak Termux via WhatsApp

How to Spam Bukalapak Termux
How to Spam Bukalapak Termux via WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a chat application that is widely used by hackers to send spam messages to targets.

Meanwhile, the way to spam Bukalapak Termux via WhatsApp is as follows:

1. Prepare the Tools Needed

To be able to spam Bukalapak, there are several tools needed and you must prepare them, including:

  • The latest version of the Termux application can be downloaded via the following link (Download the Termux App).
  • WhatsApp account ready to use.
  • A data package or wifi network whose connection is strong and stable, because the spam process will not run smoothly if the internet connection is slow.

2. Run the Spam Process Open

  • For the first step, please open the Termux application that was downloaded earlier.
  • Then type the script below:

pkg install git

pkg install php

git clone


cd spam-wa


3. Download Spam Script for WhatsApp

After the script has been entered, you must download the spam script for WhatsApp by typing the command below:

git clone

4. Run Bukalapak Spam via WA

  • You have to run the WhatsApp spam code that was previously entered by typing the command below:

cd spam wa

php wa.php

  • Then enter the target WhatsApp contact number to which Bukalapak chat spam will be sent, after all orders are completed.
  • Then enter the number of spam chats that you want to send and immediately press the Send button.
  • Finished.

The Bukalapak spam message will be sent directly to the target WhatsApp contact in succession and will certainly make him confused, guys.

To avoid things that are not desirable, we recommend that you use only a backup WhatsApp account, if you want to spam.

Because if you use the original WhatsApp account, the target or victim will know easily if you are the culprit.

The final word

This is the method that can be applied if you want to send spam messages on behalf of the Bukalapak company using the Termux script.

In order for the spam process to be successful, please pay attention and do every step and the tips that we provide properly and correctly.

Also make sure that the Termux script or command has been entered correctly.

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