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How to prevent cellphones from being bugged 2021

How to keep your cellphone from being bugged

How to keep your cellphone from being bugged – Currently, the act of tapping HP is increasingly happening and you have to watch out for it guys.

The perpetrators conduct wiretapping for various reasons, such as wanting to monitor their spouse or children, so they know who they are communicating with.

In addition, wiretapping is also sometimes carried out with the aim of committing fraud such as breaking into banking applications or asking for funds from contacts on the victim’s cellphone.

The wiretapping process is usually carried out by people who are experts in the field of hackers or IT science.

But there are also what ordinary people do, because they learn how to tap it easily through the internet.

Whatever the reason, wiretapping is still an act that is not justified and must be avoided, because it can harm other people.

Well, here are some ways so that the cellphone is not intercepted that must be applied, so as not to become the next victim, guys.

How to keep your cellphone from being bugged

1. How to prevent cellphones from being bugged by routinely logging out of applications that require a username and password

How to keep your cellphone from being bugged
How to prevent cellphones from being bugged by routinely logging out of applications that require a username and password

The way so that the cellphone is not tapped by routinely logging out of applications that require a username and password must be considered, guys, especially for smartphone users.

As we all know, nowadays almost all smartphone users install various applications that require login access.

Some of these applications such as Facebook, Instagram, m-Banking and each have an account that must be kept safe.

Therefore, try to log out immediately after you finish accessing the accounts on the application, guys.

So that your cellphone is more difficult to tap and data security is maintained properly from irresponsible people.

2. How to prevent your cellphone from being tapped by giving a PIN to an important application

How to keep your cellphone from being bugged
How to prevent your cellphone from being tapped by giving a PIN to an important application

The way so that the cellphone is not tapped by providing a PIN on the application is the second way that you guys have to do.

It’s a little complicated, but this method is quite effective in protecting your cellphone from hacker attacks.

Because in this way, the security of your account on some of these important applications will always be maintained and difficult for others to access.

3. How to prevent your cellphone from being tapped by not sharing files or documents using Bluetooth

How to keep your cellphone from being bugged
How to prevent your cellphone from being bugged by not sharing files or documents using Bluetooth

The way so that the cellphone is not tapped by not sharing files or documents using bluetooth must also be applied, guys.

Because bluetooth is one of the tools commonly used by hackers to gain access to the cellphones of potential victims of the hack.

Therefore, avoid sharing files via bluetooth and to prevent unwanted things, you should activate a security PIN on bluetooth.

4. How to prevent cellphones from being tapped by avoiding installing applications from unknown sources

How to keep your cellphone from being bugged
How to prevent your cellphone from being bugged by avoiding installing applications from unknown sources

The way to prevent your cellphone from being tapped by avoiding installing applications from unknown sources is the fourth method that needs to be implemented.

Especially now that there are so many fake applications or sites created by hackers as a trap.

In addition, carrying out the installation process outside of the license that has been given by the HP developer will endanger your HP.

Not only that, illegal applications also usually carry viruses that can damage the HP system which will certainly harm you guys.

If an illegal application is installed, your cellphone will be monitored by hackers by using the application, guys.

All activities on the cellphone such as financial transactions, social media account passwords and others will be recorded by the application.

So, be careful when installing applications other than the Google Play Store guys.

5. How to prevent cellphones from being tapped by not receiving calls from private numbers

How to keep your cellphone from being bugged
How to prevent cellphones from being tapped by not receiving calls from private numbers

The way to prevent cellphones from being tapped by not receiving calls from private numbers can be the fifth way that must be considered.

Currently, there are more and more hack methods and one of them is by calling the target using a private or unknown number, guys.

If this number calls you, you should just ignore it, guys, either by phone call or SMS.

It could be, this is one way for hackers to trap potential victims, guys.

The final word

Those are some ways that can be applied so that your cellphone is protected from wiretapping, guys.

The methods that we share are fairly easy to implement, but the benefits are pretty good for your cellphone and important data.

Please try to pay attention and try one by one the ways that we share, so that your cellphone is more secure.

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