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How to Pay Shopee Via ATM Mandiri, BRI and BCA

How to Pay Shopee Via ATM – This is a time where the development of information technology is very rapid and fast which brings the spirit of changing the interaction system and also buying and selling transactions in all parts of the world, especially in Indonesia, even in 2021 Indonesia has become one of the largest internet users up to 30% of the total population of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke.

This is a golden opportunity for Commercial Electronics or commonly referred to as the electronic market ( E-Commerce). One company that took this opportunity was the electronics company Shopee.

Shopee is a commercial electronics companyNo. 1 in Indonesia in 2021. In accordance with Shopee’s Vision, namely “To meet the needs of existing Online Shopping users“Shopee, which in addition to being an intermediary for sellers and buyers to transact, Shopee is also a place where all kinds of products are available at reasonable prices, from electronics, furniture to all kinds of beauty care tools, all available with only one application.

Details on how to pay shopee via ATM

Since the emergence of Shopee in 2021, many people have made it a cost-effective and effective solution when buying an item at a traditional market, there is no time for Shopee to come to answer all the concerns of the community.

But in the midst of the convenience that Shopee provides, it’s still there customer (customers) who are still confused about the payment system they should do. Therefore, in this article, we will describe the complete stages of the Shopee payment flow via ATM.

The following is the complete method of paying Shopee via ATM (Automated Teller Machines).

Shopee Payments Via Mandiri ATMs

How to Pay Shopee Via ATM

Historically, Bank Mandiri was a bank that was established directly by 4 Indonesian state banks, they were Bank Dagang Negara, Bank Pembangunan Indonesia, Bank Bumi Daya, and Bank Export Indonesia.

Seeing the increasingly sophisticated situation of banking services, PT. Bank Mandiri Tbk launched ATM (Automated Teller Machines/Automatic Teller Machine) to fulfill all transactions of beloved customers. Besides being able to be used to withdraw a certain amount of money, pay bills and be able to transfer, now transact using an ATM can also be used as a Shopee payment tool.

Here are some Shopee payment flows through Mandiri ATMs:

There are two easy steps to transact using Mandiri ATMs, namely:

  • Know and understand how to copy Mandiri savings account numbers on the Shopee application.
  • Then enter the amount of money you want to transfer.

Below are the complete stages:

  • First, make sure you already have the Shopee application which you can download here smart phone you through the Play Store, App Store and Google Play.
  • After that, you login using your e-mail or phone number that Shopee can contact to send the OTP code.
  • Then get the code you can login.
  • After that you can select the product you want to buy.
  • Then you complete the shipping address.
  • After filling in your payment address, select the Checkout menu “Payment Method” you select the “Bank Mandiri” menu so that it can be automatically validated by the Shopee company.
  • Then you will see a screen to enter Shopee’s Mandiri account number, you can copy it directly on the “copy” menu on the screen.

If you already know Shopee’s payment delivery destination number, the next steps are as follows:

  • The first step is to go to the nearest ATM machine in your area.
  • Then insert the ATM card into the ATM medin.
  • Then select the language you are fluent in.
  • After that, enter your Mandiri ATM PIN carefully so that there are no errors, if up to 3 times in a row you still can’t enter your ATM, it will automatically be blocked by the Mandiri ATM machine system.
  • Then you will see the main menu display, you select the “Other Transactions” menu.
  • Then select the “Transfer” menu.
  • Then you select the menu “To Your Fellow Mandiri”.
  • Then you enter slowly and carefully the Mandiri Shopee account number that you have recorded in smart phone you.
  • Then you enter the nominal amount of payment that you want to pay to the exact same Shopee party in the Shopee application.
  • Then you select the “True” menu at the bottom right.
  • Then a notification will appear confirming the transaction that you have done, make sure the Shopee account number is correct, the nominal amount of money you pay is as stated on the Shopee application, if everything is correct then press “Correct”.
  • After that, you wait until the transaction is complete, marked with a transaction receipt from the ATM machine.
  • Then you immediately confirm with Shopee that you made a payment transaction through an Mandiri ATM by including a payment receipt as official proof.

Those are the complete stages of making payments through Mandiri ATMs, happy shopping, friends, and don’t forget to be careful when entering your account number and payment amount so you don’t have any regrets. WL.

Shopee Payments Through BRI ATMs

How to Pay Shopee Via ATM

With BRI ATMs, you can now make Shopee payments.

Here are the complete steps for making Shopee payments via BRI ATMs:

  • First come to the nearest BRI ATM machine that you know.
  • Then enter the BRI ATM card that you have.
  • Then select the language you are fluent in, either English or Indonesian.
  • After that, enter your BRI ATM card PIN.
  • Then you will see the main menu display, you select the “Other Transactions” menu.
  • After that you select the “Payment” menu.
  • Then you select the “BRIVA” menu.
  • Then you will be asked to enter the Shopee account number, namely BRIVA, enter the Shopee account number, namely BRIVA, carefully so you don’t regret it later.
  • After that, you have to make sure the destination account number you entered is in accordance with the one provided by Shopee. If so then you select the “True” menu.
  • Then you will be asked to enter the nominal amount of money you want to pay, then enter that amount according to the amount of money listed on the Shopee application. If so, please select the “Yes” menu.
  • Finally, wait until the transaction is complete, marked with a payment receipt from the BRI ATM machine.

Those are the complete steps on how to pay Shopee bills through the BRI ATM machine. Good luck and be careful when you enter your Shopee account number and the amount of money you want to pay so you don’t repeat the transaction again.

Shopee Payments Via ATM BCA

How to Pay Shopee Via ATM
How to Pay Shopee Via ATM BCA

Automated Teller Machines ATMs provided by BCA banks are now able to make cash withdrawals, transfers and make payments for electricity or PDAM bills, now they can be used as Shopee payment instruments.

Check out some of the steps:

  • First come to the place where the BCA ATM machine is provided.
  • Then insert your BCA ATM card.
  • Then select the language you are fluent in.
  • Then enter the correct BCA ATM PIN.
  • Then select the “Other Transactions” menu.
  • Then select the “Transfer” menu.
  • Then you select the “BCA Virtual Account” menu.
  • Then you enter the Shopee virtual account number carefully.
  • After the number you entered is correct, select the “YES” menu.
  • Finally, wait until the transaction is complete, marked with the transaction receipt coming out of the ATM machine.

Those are the complete steps on how to pay Shopee via ATM BCA. Good luck!.

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