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How to Overcome Quota Exceeded on Google Drive (100% Work)

Tutorial on how to overcome quota exceeded on google drive that has proven to be successful

Currently, we can find a lot of file storage places anywhere, while there are several storage places that we meet physically or online. What are those? Physical file storage places are like hard disks, RAM, and so on. While online file storage is usually provided cloud-based such as Google Drive, One Drive, DropBox and so on.

Of the various types of file storage, each has its own features and advantages. But lately people prefer cloud-based file storage because its use is very efficient and effective. But if we want to take the file, we have to download it first.

One of the most popular cloud-based file storage places among the public is Google Drive. This service is very helpful for people in saving files. You only need to register through your Google account, and you will automatically be logged into the Google Drive service.

How to Overcome Google Drive Quota Exceeded

But in the Google Drive service we often find the Quota Exceeded warning. That’s because the saved file has been downloaded or viewed by many people. So that Google Drive tells its users to try downloading again at a later time.

The Google Drive service has set a limit on how often a file can be downloaded and the limit is set every 24 hours. Then what if we want to download the file right now? It will definitely take a long time if we have to download it in the next 24 hours.

Don’t worry, in this tutorial I will explain how to solve Google Drive Quota Exceeded. This method is very easy, so you can understand it well. Here’s how to solve Google Drive Quota Exceeded.

1. If you often see warnings like this. That is a sign that the file you are about to view or download has been viewed and downloaded by many users. This is also known as Quota Exceeded. To be able to download it again, you have to wait for the next 24 hours. But you don’t have to worry because we can handle this easily.

How to Overcome Google Drive Quota Exceeded

2. Look at the URL link for the Google Drive file that you couldn’t download earlier. Then Block URL links starting after the equal sign “=” until before the ampersand sign “&”. If so, then right-click on the URL that you blocked earlier, and click menu Copy.

How to Overcome Google Drive Quota Exceeded

3. Next, still on the same page and at the same URL, block the Google Drive URL starting after the link to the end of the URL. Then right-click on the link that you blocked earlier, then click menu Delete.

How to Overcome Google Drive Quota Exceeded

4. Next type /files/d/ on the URL link after Then click Paste. Next click the button Enter.

How to Overcome Google Drive Quota Exceeded

5. So now you can see the file you want. To download it, click the triangle icon with the + symbol as shown in the image below.

How to Overcome Google Drive Quota Exceeded

6. Then click the button Add Shortcuts.

How to Overcome Google Drive Quota Exceeded

7. Then the icon will change to a folder icon. Click the folder icon.

How to Overcome Google Drive Quota Exceeded

8. Next click the button My Drive.

How to Overcome Google Drive Quota Exceeded

9. Well, at this stage you have to pay close attention. Later there will be two files that you want to download in two parts, the first is in the Quick Access section and the second is in the File section. Here, you have to right click on the file which is in the Quick Access. Because if you right-click on the File section, you can’t download the file. Then click the button Make a Copy. Wait a few moments for Google Drive to successfully make a copy of the file.

How to Overcome Google Drive Quota Exceeded

10. Well, if you have, then we will get a copy of the file that we copied earlier. Right click on the copy file then click menu Download.

How to Overcome Google Drive Quota Exceeded

Thus the article that explains about How to Overcome Quota Exceeded Google Drive. Hopefully this article can be useful for you.

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