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How to Make Money From Youtube 2021

How to Make Money from Youtube - On the internet there will be lots of articles that promise how to make money through the internet.

How To Make Money From Youtube – On the internet there are lots of articles that promise how to make money through the internet.

Some are through trade or investment through the internet, or some are through Youtube.

Then do you already know how to make money from the Youtube site? If not, let’s discuss how to earn money from youtube with android.

See the discussion below.

Discussion on How to Make Money From Youtube

You can become a content creator on Youtube to be able to reap the rupiah coffers from the Youtube that you have created.

Why this is so, here are the reasons:

1. Youtube is the main video platform

It is undeniable that Youtube is the most important and popular video platform today.

This platform is always opened by almost everyone at any time.

Or in other words, almost every time people open the Youtube platform to watch videos.

With this opportunity, it can be an opportunity if you start learning how to make money from Youtube.

2. Online videos in Indonesia are very popular

Online videos in Indonesia are very popular, have you ever known or read that there was a survey of the Indonesian Internet Service Provider Association (APJII).

They say around 69.64 percent of Indonesians use the internet to watch videos.

This means that your chance to reach the audience through video is quite high and you can do it through Youtube.

3. Youtube may be able to compete with television

You may know that Youtube users in Indonesia are bigger than current television users or viewers.

It is not impossible that one day Youtube may be able to compete with television or replace the role of television.
To make money on Youtube, you have to be a content creator. A content creator is a person who makes a video on Youtube.

This content will be watched by the audience and later this is what will make you money.

For that you have to do a few things first.

Here are 4 ways to get money from YouTube easily.

How To Make Money From Youtube

1. How To Make Money From Youtube By Choosing The Type Of Content

How To Make Money From Youtube
How To Make Money From Youtube By Choosing The Type Of Content

How to get money from YouTube with Android Youtube, the first thing you can do is to choose the type of topic that you will develop on your Youtube channel.

You have to determine what content you will create to make money on Youtube.

There are several types of content that are usually on Youtube, here’s a discussion on how to make money from YouTube by choosing the type of content:

a. Beauty Content

Beauty content or better known as a bolty vlogger is a content creator that displays or provides ways or tutorials about make-up or other things related to beauty.

b. Game Content

This game content is content that displays tips and tricks for playing games, ranging from video games that have been around for a long time to the latest games today.

c. Educational Content

Educational content is content that provides lessons on something that will later be useful for the learning process and so on.

d. Technology Content

Technology content usually displays a review of a technology that has just come out and is advanced.

Usually this content is marked by sponsors or endorsers of the product to be reviewed.

2. How To Make Money From Youtube By Doing Keyword Research

How To Make Money From Youtube
How To Make Money From Youtube By Doing Keyword Research

How to make money from YouTube by doing keyword research is important, it is done to guarantee that the content you create will sell well in the market.

So that later there will be no content that does not match the interests of the audience.

3. How to make money from Youtube by collaborating with Brands

How To Make Money From Youtube
How to make money from Youtube By partnering with Brands

How to make money from YouTube by working with brands is very important, besides you can get a sponsor or endorsement.

With this you will be helped to market your channel and the sponsor will also be helped by your having promoted their product so many people know about it.

4. How to make money from Youtube by signing up for Adsense

How To Make Money From Youtube
How to make money from Youtube By Signing up for Adsense

The last way to make money from YouTube by signing up for adsense.

You can add ads to the videos that you have created. The more ads you add on the video.

Then the more chances your video will make money.

The final word

For those of you who don’t really understand how to make money from the Youtube site, we have provided a description in the discussion above.

In the review above we have provided a review of why Youtube has the potential to be used as a source to make money.

If you are finally going to dive into the world of youtube, you also have to know which sources of income you can get from your youtube channel.

Don’t miss our other articles on how to get money from youtube without uploading videos 2021, how many subscribers to earn money, how to make a youtube channel on cellphones to make money.

How to get money from youtube without uploading videos, watch youtube earn money 2021, how to make a youtube channel make money, 1000 subscribers how many rupiahs, how to put videos on youtube and make money, how to take money from youtube.

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