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5 Best Jungle Mobile Legends (ML) Heroes for Beginners in 2021

Just like MOBA games in general, in Mobile Legends there are also several lanings that are divided into one team. Such as Mid Lane, Exp Lane, Gold Lane, Roam, and Jungle.

Well, this jungle is one of the special lanings. Why is that? Yes, usually every team has a jungler of heroes who have specialist burst damage and roles such as assassins, marksmans, and even mages.

Jungle heroes usually spend time at the beginning of the game for farming, so that the item arrangement is quickly purchased until it becomes the hero’s build.

That way, a jungler can be the team’s hope to bring victory. Of course this is not easy, especially if at the beginning of the game you are busy farming, and even the enemy is disturbed. But back to the team, if your team is compact, then he will block annoying enemies in various ways.

In this article we want to discuss the best jungle heroes this year and are very suitable for use by beginners. Because the heroes we recommend actually have a low level of difficulty. What are they? Let’s just see below.

The Painful and Best ML Jungler Hero in Season 19

1. Karina

karina mobile legends ml

The first jungle hero recommendation is Karina. Yes, we are not wrong to recommend this hero to you, especially for those of you who play ML.

Karina has skills that are quite simple but of course with high burst damage. The gameplay is also very easy to understand, you don’t need mechanics such as skill combos or others.

Interestingly, if you manage to kill an enemy using ultimate or skill 3, the cooldown of skill 3 will be reset. That is, you can use Karina’s ultimate continuously on the condition that the enemy must die.

For those of you who are confused about the build, don’t worry, we have released an article that discusses the painful Karina Mobile Legends build, please read and understand, okay.

2. Miya

miya mobile legends ml

The current Miya is not what it used to be, her skills are no less great than the marksman hero who is newer than her. So, Miya is still okay if she becomes a jungler hero.

We’re not saying this hero is weak, NO. Just according to the title, Miya is very suitable for use by new players who want to feel like a jungler.

The reason is, if you enter the late game and use Miya’s build item it hurts then this hero will have damage output big one, then attack speed Miya is also tall, then her passive which is very useful against many enemies especially when teamfight, and his ultimate skill can release everything debuff/disable from the enemy, it can also be to escape or chase the enemy.

Besides, Miya has durability lowly, so that he becomes food for the assassin and most likely with one combo, Miya can die. Therefore, stay alert to the area you are visiting.

3. Zilong

the most painful, strongest, newest build zilong ml

Huh Zilong? Not wrong? Yes, you are not wrong, Zilong is our recommendation as the best jungler hero for beginners. Because, the first time someone plays Mobile Legends, they will surely meet this hero, at least they have used it.

So you could say that ML players are familiar with Zilong, whether it’s from the mechanics, gameplay, to skill combos. This hero who relies on attack speed allows you to finish off your opponent quickly, especially Zilong is very good at doing this push turret.

To make Zilong a jungler, first, spend your time in the forest farming until the 5th minute. Then clearwave and if you have time to help a teammate, then help as much as possible, then focus on farming again until the item array is fully filled.

When entering the late game Zilong has a lot of potential, because the skills will hurt because of the combination of attack speed and damage from the item itself. Destroy the opponent with your spear, but remember not to chase the enemy to the opponent’s base.

As usual, we will provide the best Zilong ML item build recommendations for you. Please just take a look.

4. Granger

Granger mobile legends ml

For you marksman users, be happy, because this time there is an MM hero who is indeed suitable to be a jungler. Granger had become top pick and top banned in the upper tier, because this hero is known to have skills with burst damage tall one.

Interestingly, Granger doesn’t need mana to issue his skills, so you don’t have to go back to base to replenish mana.

This marksman hero is very fast to finish off the entire forest, including the minions. CooldownHis short life makes him very attractive to many people, especially marksman users.

Granger will rely on items attack damage due to source damage The biggest hero of this is in skill 1 and skill 3. By issuing only skill 1 Granger is able to kill forest monsters in an instant.

However, unfortunately Granger is a single target hero. That is, he can only aim for one enemy when teamfight. But if using Granger’s build item hurts, Granger’s basic attack becomes very painful, especially if you fight other mages or marksman, at most 3-4 hits and instantly die.

5. Alucard

build alucard ml hurts, strongest, newest
Alucard Child Of The Fall

Actually, in this last list we are confused about which hero to recommend, between Alucard or Saber. Because the two heroes have gameplay that is quite easy to understand.

However, we finally decided to recommend Alucard as an ML jungler hero for beginners. Because we think saber is also quite difficult, especially for players who don’t understand the mechanics.

Alucard is known as a fighter who has a heavy lifesteal. But on the other hand this hero is often underestimated, he is even nicknamed Alufeed, and I once met someone who said “Give me blue and red buffs, then I will shake the Lawn of Dawn”.

In our opinion, this hero is not so bad. It’s just that Alucard needs the right timing, such as when he has to issue skills and when he has to run away if he’s not strong enough to fight the enemy. Most players even force to fight, until they finally die and don’t focus on farming.

Finally what?

The build is not finished, there are many dead. Yes, it’s a user error. We DO NOT confirm that this hero is weak and useless. In fact, Alucard is very good if it is used as a core.

But whatever it is, Alucard is very suitable to be a jungler hero, especially for beginners. If you need item recommendations, please read our article which discusses the Alucard build item hurts.

So that’s the best jungle hero recommendation for beginners in this season in 2021. From the list above, is there your favorite hero? Let’s say in the comments.

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