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How to Lock a Folder on a Laptop or PC 2021

How to Lock Folders on Laptops and PCs

How to Lock Folders on Laptops and PCs – With Applications and Settings – Understanding the method used to lock folders on Laptops and PCs is very important.

Moreover, laptops or PCs are used by many people.

Although there are many folders and can be named, the security is very small. Others could easily go inside to have a look.

In addition, they can also make modifications, to delete. If the data there is not important, of course there is no problem leaving it.

Discussion on How to Lock Folders on Laptops and PCs

However, if the folder is important, you will be at a loss. Therefore, lock the folder that you have.

Read also: How to Restore Deleted Files on Flashdisk

If you need to hide it too. Check out how to lock a folder on a computer, below.

In our discussion this time, many are also asking how to lock a folder on a Windows 10 laptop, how to make a folder lock

To answer the questions above, here’s a tutorial on how to lock folders on laptops and PCs in 2021.

How to Lock Folders on Laptops and PCs With Apps and Settings

1. How to Lock a Folder With Properties, namely Hidden Properties

How to Lock Folders on Laptops and PCs
How to lock a folder with properties, namely hidden properties

How to lock a folder with properties, namely hidden properties, is actually simple. You just need to change the properties of the folder.

Furthermore, files can be hidden easily. In this guide, Windows 10 series is used, yes. Read the following steps carefully.

  • Select the folder to hide. Actually, you can choose only one or two data, not all.
  • Next, right-click on the mouse, then select Properties. From there you will see several menus. At the beginning of the open, see the option Hidden. Click there to hide it.
  • The file will be automatically hidden. You won’t be able to find it in search.
  • If you want to bring it up again, just go to the folder menu.
  • See the row of menus at the top. Select View, then look for Hidden Items, check it there.
  • All hidden files and folders will be shown again.

2. How to Lock a Folder on a Laptop With a Password With the Secret Folder Application

How to Lock Folders on Laptops and PCs
How to Lock a Folder on a Laptop With a Password With the Secret Folder Application

The Secret Folder application can lock folders easily. Moreover, the file is not large and light.

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For those of you who don’t know how to use this application, here’s how to lock a folder on a laptop with a password with the secret folder application.

  • Download and install the Secret Folder application via the following link: Download the Secret Folder Application
  • Pair on the laptop you have. Follow the whole process from start to finish.
  • When it will be used, you will be asked for a password. Later, the password can be used to open and lock the folder.
  • After doing the settings properly, immediately hide the folder. You do this by pressing Add.
  • Select important data or folders that you want to lock, then press OK followed by Lock.
  • Folders that have been hidden will not appear in PC search.
  • To restore it, reopen the application, select the folder then Unlock.

3. How to Lock Files on Laptops and PCs by Compressing Using Applications

How to Lock Folders on Laptops and PCs
How to Lock Files on Laptops and PCs by Compressing Using Applications

If you have ever downloaded a file from the internet, you must have come across a compressed file with keywords.

Before opening it, you must enter the requested password. Then, the compressed file can be opened or extracted.

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This locking concept can be used, to lock files easily. Here’s how to lock files on laptops and PCs by compressing them using an application.

  • Make sure you already have the application, to compress and extract. There are many types of this application. You can choose Winrar, Winzip, or 7Zip. In this example we use Winrar. Download and install the Winrar application via the following link: Download the Winrar Application
  • Select the important data or folders that you want to lock. On the mouse click the right button, and select Add to archive.
  • A new window will appear.
  • Name the file, select the desired extension.
  • Next Set Password. Enter the same password twice and then OK.
  • The process will run until it is finished.

The final word

The way to lock folders on Laptops and PCs above, everything works fine. Just choose which one to use.

If you want a safe and layered security, the application can be used. Furthermore, if you want to provide keywords, the compress application can be used.

The condition is that the data is not too large. The easiest thing to hide a folder is to use the default settings.

It’s just that, if you use Properties, everyone can open it. As long as you know the location, everything can be opened.

However, as long as the hiding location is safe, no one will find it. In fact, you may forget where to put it. Remember or take notes so you don’t forget.

Don’t miss our next article on how to lock a folder on a flash drive, how to unlock a folder on a laptop, how to lock a folder with 7zip.

That’s our whole discussion in this article about how to lock folders on laptop and pc 2021. Hopefully useful and good luck.

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