How to Freeze or Freeze Rows and Columns in Sheets
OKEGUYS – In Spreadsheets you can freeze or freeze a row or column in a simple way. Surely you just found out right? Come on admit it! Ha ha ha.
Anyway, the function of this feature is so that when you are checking a lot of data, the columns and rows that you freeze will not scroll.
If you don’t freeze those columns and rows, then the work will definitely be a hassle for you. In essence, this feature will really help you when you are checking data.
However, unfortunately there are still many who do not know how Guys. However, this method is quite simple. Want to know? Let’s take a look at the following steps.
How to Freeze Rows and Columns in Sheets, Easy Brou!
- The first step is to open and log in first in Spreadsheets. Then locate the data for which you want to freeze the rows and columns.
- Click Appearance on the menu bar. Then select Freeze.
- Next, you just have to choose which row or column you want to freeze. This time, the OKEGUYS team will choose 1 Row, which means the top row will automatically freeze and won’t move when we scroll down.
Photo: OKEGUYS/Bagas Aulia Ananto - Finished!
Photo: OKEGUYS/Bagas Aulia Ananto
That’s the way guys. Very simple right? You only need three steps, so that the rows and columns in your data freeze.
But, just the lines and data that are frozen, don’t freeze your boyfriend’s feelings for you. Chuaakzz!
Oh yes, follow the steps carefully. Good luck!
Authors: Bagas Aulia Ananto
Reviews: Ricky Andriandra
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