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How to Complain to JNE With 5 Easy, Fast, and Hassle-Free Ways!

Online shopping has indeed become an activity that can be said to be very closely related to our daily lives. Especially during the current pandemic conditions, where shopping centers are still closed due to regulations from the government. Online shopping is the main safe alternative, because the process of sending goods is sent using an expedition service and paying with the cashless method, one of which is JNE services. But one time we have a problem whether the item is damaged or in condition packaging not good. Well, here you can complain. How do you do it? see how to complain JNE below!

How to Complain to JNE Through Call Center (Customer Care)

how to complain JNE


The first way to complain about JNE that you can try is to use the service Customer Service on the JNE number. Why we recommend the first way with Call Center? because in our opinion, this method is a way to complain that JNE quickly gets a response. Well, here are the steps!

  • First, make sure you have enough credit balance
  • Next, you can open the Call menu on your cellphone
  • Then please enter the JNE Customer Care phone number (62-21) 5086 8880 or (021) 2927 8888
  • Once connected, you will be connected to CS regarding your problem
  • When you are connected, you can explain the problems you are having with your package
  • Then CS will explain and give directions, please listen and follow!
  • Finished!

Note: Make sure before contacting JNE CS, you can prepare a few things in advance, such as:

  1. Your parcel delivery receipt number
  2. JNE service used
  3. The name and address as well as the cellphone number of the sender of the package buddy
  4. Your name and address as well as your cellphone number (the recipient of the package)
  5. The type of package, for example, broken glass, package weight, etc
  6. Problems that occur in your package (eg broken/damaged packages, torn packaging, etc.)

Why should it be prepared? just for information, it is certain that the service officer (CS) will ask this as a form of verification. Make sure you are prepared!

How to Complain JNE Damaged Goods Via Ask Joni Feature

how to complain jne with the ask joni feature

The next easy way to complain about JNE that you can try is to use the Ask Joni feature on the official JNE website. This feature is a reliable JNE service, you know! If you don’t want to try the first method because you don’t have enough credit, you can check out this method! Here are the steps!

  • The first step, please open the browser on your cellphone/laptop
  • Then you can go to the official site JNE at
  • After that, my friend will enter the JNE home page, so here, please, my friend, select the menu Contact us
  • If you have entered the Contact Us menu, you can select the menu Ask Joni which is located on the left side
  • Then a form like this will appear
    1. Name Complete
    2. Address E-mail You
    3. Number Phone or active WA which can be contacted
    4. For Subject please choose Customer Service
    5. Fill in the complaint
  • Well, here, my friend can enter the data accordingly, and make sure to explain the complaint correctly and clearly
  • If you have filled everything in, just send the message by pressing “SEND MESSAGE”
  • you can wait for a response from JNE

Make sure you fill in an active number or email, because usually JNE itself will contact you regarding the response to problems in the package via the phone number or email that you input on the complaint form.

How to Complain JNE Via Email

How to Complain JNE Via Email

Well, the next easy way to complain about JNE is to complain about the package problem via JNE Email. This method is fairly easy and simple, but the drawback is that sending a response or response is not faster than via telephone Customer Care. Here are the steps!

  • The first step, please open the email on your cellphone or laptop
  • Next, you can go to Compose (write message)
  • Enter JNE Customer Care Email Address >
  • After that, please write Subject: Problem Packages
  • Then you can submit a complaint in the body of the message. Here, you can write down the problems that you found on your package, don’t forget to write down your full name, receipt number, type of service (eg Express/regular(reg)/yes, etc.), active cellphone number, and the contents of the package. problematic (use clear, unambiguous language)
  • After that, you can click Send

Then the JNE officer will process the friend’s complaint. Please wait for the response. Usually the response is sent via a reply email or also by calling your friend’s cellphone number.

JNE Complaints Through JNE Social Media

The way to complain to JNE for your next problematic package is that you can take advantage of JNE’s official social media features. Reporting problems on packages via social media is quite practical and fast to respond, you know!

Of course, the way to file a problem on JNE social media is very easy, you just need to visit JNE’s official social media. The following are JNE social media that you can contact via DM

After logging into the JNE account profile, you can enter their DM, and write a complaint message with the contents of the message: Name, friend’s active cellphone number, package receipt number, sender name, and problems that occur in the package. After that, you can send the message.

The fast or long response from the JNE admin depends on busy hours or not. Please friend coca this way, yes!

How to Complain JNE Wrong Address Via Head Office or JNE Branch

How to Complain JNE Wrong Address Via Head Office or JNE Branch

In addition to these three methods, you can also file a JNE complaint by directly visiting the JNE office. For your information, friends who live in Jakarta, you can go directly to the JNE head office with the address Jl. Tomang Raya No. 11, West Jakarta 11440, Indonesia, Contact center number. (62-21) 5086 8880 and Office. (62-21) 566 5262.

For those of you who are outside the city of Jakarta such as Malang, Sukabumi or Surabaya, Batam, and other cities, you can still visit the nearest JNE office or regional JNE office and representative office (branch office). At the representative office, JNE officers will immediately help to check your package at the JNE Central office. If you have trouble finding the JNE office, please use Google Maps and search for keywords Nearest JNE Office.

Although this method is fast and immediately gets a response from service personnel, we do not recommend it. Because this method is quite complicated where my friend has to go all the way to his office. Please use the easy way before!

Some things you can report to JNE

Things you can report to JNE

Indeed, some JNE service users are confused when they find problems with their packages. For users, just make a complaint because JNE itself has a complaint service that you can rely on. Usually the things that are complained of are:

  • Packages that arrived did not match the estimated delivery or passed the specified time (late). But this factor allows users to check receipts on the JNE package check page, maybe the item is still available on process.
  • Packages that do not reach the destination address (stray)
  • Packages are lost or damaged and never come
  • There are no item location updates after checking on the JNE track feature
  • Not satisfied with the service of the officer or courier
  • The status of the package in the Shopee application, Tokopedia or the like has arrived at the destination address, but the recipient has not even received the package
  • There is no insurance even though you have paid

That’s the general reporting that some users complain about. If you experience one of these, don’t hesitate to report it.

Also read other related articles about how to check JNE postage quickly and easily that you can try!

The final word

That’s a review of how to complain JNE in 5 easy ways that we can convey. How, okay enough not to try? now my friend does not need to be confused anymore. Please follow the steps yes!

So, hopefully useful!


How do I complain about JNE lost goods?

As a JNE expedition service user, you have the right to complain if there is a problem with the package in Customer Care, Email, or through the ask Joni feature on the JNE website.

Is JNE Call Center Toll Free?

The pulse rate is adjusted to the policy of the provider you use, and the length of time you talk.

Is the JNE branch office open?

You can go directly to the nearest JNE office to complain about problems with the package and don’t forget to show the receipt number.

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