How to Add a "Defragment" Option to the Drive's Right-Click Menu in Windows
The operating system on the computer is responsible for controlling performance hardware and ensure that software goes well. With the operating system, the computer will be able to run properly.
When the user does request, then the computer will perform the search process in accordance with the request. In some cases, it is not surprising that the performance of a computer that continues to work will experience a decrease in performance. This is due to the formation of fragment or fragments of data so that the computer will slow down.
Well, one of the operations that can handle this is by doing defragment. What’s that defragment? defragment itself has a function to maintain the stability of the computer. Thus, the process of slowing down the computer that occurs due to the formation of fragment can be overcome and prevent the occurrence of error or maybe bad sectors.
Therefore, it is recommended for you to do defragment to disc computer regularly. The method is to do it automatically or manually.
However, in carrying out the process, it takes quite a lot of steps so that users are a little lazy or don’t even know about it. This article will explain how to add the “defragment” to right click menu drive on Windows. Check out the following reviews!
How to Add a “Defragment” Option to the Drive’s Right-Click Menu
Should, hard disk that is owned by every computer must be properly cared for in order to prevent unwanted things from happening. By minimizing the possibility of a decrease in performance on the computer, it is expected to help the process of system performance in accessing the required data or system files.
When process defragment can be done easily, then in fact users can also easily improve computer performance. So that when the computer reads the data, it will search quickly. Here is how to add the option “defragment” to right click menu drive in Windows.
1. Open Run by pressing the button Windows + R simultaneously on keyboard > then please type regedit > then click OK.
2. After Registry Editor open please click HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
3. Next click Drive > then click shell.
4. Then right click on shell > then choose New > then choose Key to make key new to shell.
5. Then change the name to runas like in the image below.
6. After that click on runas > then double click on Default.
7. Next contents value data with defragment > then click OK.
8. The next step is to make key new to runas, the method right click on runas > then choose New > then choose Key.
9. After that change name to command.
10. Then click command > then double click on Default to change value data.
11. Then please fill in value data with defrag %1 -v then click OK.
12. Then the steps add the option “defragment” to right click menu drive in Windows have been completed. Please open file explorer you > then right click on drive any > then it will the option appears “defragment“.
Easy is not how to add options”defragment” to right click menu drive in Windows? Fragment which is not immediately addressed properly it will eventually cause its own harm to the computer and its users.
Well, by adding these options you can easily operate defragment periodically even though some computers have it set to automatic. This is certainly very helpful in the treatment process disc. So, when you want to process defragment, then you only need to do a few steps. Time and energy will also be used efficiently.
Introverted woman. Has a personality that enjoys ‘me time’ more, the beach, and the mountains.
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