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How to 4G Card 3 2021

How to 4G Card 3

How to 4G Card 3 -In addition to top providers such as Indosat, Telkomsel and XL in Indonesia, we also discuss several cellular phone card providers that people rarely use.

The reason is simple, because even these non-majority cards definitely have their own market segment and one of you may be that person.

In addition, each provider or cell phone card company must have its own advantages and disadvantages.

“3” or read as Tri is one of the telecommunications network brands that have actually spread all over the world.

Discussion on how to 4G Card 3

Tri was originally one of the telecommunications companies used in nine networks in Europe, Asia and Australia.

Tri itself is actually a trademark of CK Hutchison Holdings, therefore.

Although Tri only appeared in Indonesia in 2007, but Tri is actually not a new player, you can say as one of the experienced players.

Although Tri is a “small” operator in Indonesia, in fact Tri still ranks fourth in terms of the number of users, even at that time Tri also controlled a market share of up to 10%.

This time, we will discuss how to upgrade or migrate from an old 3G SIM card to a new 4G LTE USIM card.

This article is specifically made for those of you who have a Tri SIM card, there was no 4G technology in the past.

Let’s just look at the 4G card 3 method that you can try below.

How to 4G Card 3

1. How to 4G Card 3 (Tri)

How to 4G Card 3
How to 4G Card 3 (Tri)

Since last year, Tri, like its rivals, has been planning to massively expand its 4G LTE network in Indonesia.

This is evidenced by Tri’s mission to reach 277 regions and cities in Indonesia through the new 4G LTE network.

Of course, with 4G LTE, Tri will provide a network that is faster and easier than previous technologies.

If you take advantage of some of the benefits that the Tri 4G LTE network can enjoy.

You will definitely like data access which is more stable and faster than 2G or 3G networks.

In addition, by using the latest Tri 4G LTE network, you can of course enjoy
better and interesting communication experience.

Such as video calling, multimedia, streaming, browsing, accessing social media, and playing online games.

In addition, of course you can transfer data more quickly and practically.

Preparations To Do

Before upgrading the card, of course, you also have to make some preparations in advance for this Tri card migration.

Of course, the most basic preparation is to make sure that the Smartphone you are currently using supports 4G LTE network technology, otherwise you should replace your cellphone.

After making sure that your phone supports 4G LTE network technology.

Of course it is necessary to change the network selection so that your phone can automatically capture and run on the Tri 4G network.

Next you must have a 4G USIM to replace the old 3G card.

Then the 4G card 3 way to get the latest 4G USIM card is to visit the outlet designated by Tri, or the nearest 3Store from your respective residence.

Another way is to use the phone to dial 123, and then ask to send the latest 4G LTE Tri USIM card.

The second method is definitely more time consuming than the first method.

Because you don’t know when the new 4G USIM card will arrive at home, last but not least, of course, you have to make sure that you are within range of the Tri 4G LTE network.

After making sure that your residence is included in the 4G LTE Tri coverage and must have a data package, because a data package is required to carry out this registration process.

One particular note to note is that if you fall into an area that is not
affordable by 4G LTE.

Then it will automatically switch to Tri’s 3G or 2G network based on the resources available there.

But first, in the network settings of the phone, you have to change it to automatically connect to LTE/WCDMA/GSM.

So it will automatically change when there is no 4G signal.

2. How to 4G Card 3 Alone

How to 4G Card 3
How to 4G Card 3 Alone

To upgrade Tri 4G via the Tri Indonesia FB fanpage, of course, you can open the Tri Fan Page first.

There you just need to provide some personal data which is required by the administrator.

In fact, the 4G card 3 method is a way to order a 4G Tri USIM card so you can upgrade your 3G or 2G card to a 4G USIM card for activation later.

Usually, the latest 4G USIM card will arrive at your home within 14 working days.

If this method doesn’t work, in principle, you should still be able to get the latest 4G Tri USIM card, either by buying it at the card counter near your residence, or ordering online.

Well, after receiving the latest 4G USIM card, you should find the 20 digit ICCID number on the back of the latest 4G USIM card.

Now, with the old card, you can send SMS to number 123 by typing “SIM (space) for the new ICCID number”.

In no time, you will receive a 765 SMS reply containing an activation code.

You can choose (1) if you have a physical 4G LTE Tri SIM card, please reply “OK”, or (2) if not, please stop the process, select the first option.

If so, you should note the activation code carefully, after that remove the old SIM card and immediately replace it with the latest 4G USIM card, lastly wait for SMS to be received from number 765.

After receiving an SMS reply, you can use the “Activation Code (space) code” format to reply.

If the operation is correct, you should receive an SMS notification reply again, and then you can immediately enjoy Tri’s 4G features.

3. How to 4G Card 3 Directly to 3Store

How to 4G Card 3
How to 4G Card 3 Directly to 3Store

The 4G card 3 method is certainly the most practical but time-consuming, but this method is the most recommended method.

In accordance with the title of this paragraph, you can upgrade Tri 4G this time by moving directly from your residence to the nearest 3Store.

At 3Store, all you have to do is walk in with a friendly attitude, wait in line, then sit down if it’s your turn and you’ll be sure to call Tri’s customer service.

Let’s just say you want to upgrade or upgrade your 3G card to a 4G USIM card.

About 3-4 minutes, voila! your 4G card has been upgraded and even activated.

One of the advantages of CS from Tri is that, unlike other providers, you will not be asked to fill out various complicated forms during the activation process.

In addition, the costs required are relatively cheap and free! However, with the condition that you have purchased a new Tri card worth Rp. 20,000.

How? After reading this article on how to upgrade 4G Tri, are you interested in upgrading the Tri card.

The final word

So, those are some ways to upgrade or upgrade a Tri card to 4G that you can do yourself or by going directly to the 3 Store.

Before upgrading you must pay attention to the preparations that must be made first.

The preparation is that the Smartphone you are using has a 4G LTE network.

Have a new 4G USIM to replace the old 3G and at your residence you can reach the Tri 4G network.

That’s the whole content of our article this time about how to 4G card 3 2021. Hopefully useful and good luck.

Dody S.

Someone who likes to learn and share everything about technology.

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