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Here Are 5 Ways To Increase Aim In FPS Games

GAMEFINITY.ID, Jakarta – You Certain I was annoyed when I played the First-Person Shooter game for the first time and became the target of the enemy. So you have to accept gracefully if you get a chaotic K/D score.

The worst thing is that when you are always killed by the enemy, the team itself does not encourage you but instead scolds you all-out. What you have is that you drop and are lazy to play FPS games.

Actually, it’s not because you’re stupid, maybe because you don’t really understand how to play the FPS genre game properly.

Therefore, I have some tips that might help beginners in FPS games. What are the tips like? Let’s have a good look

Control Freeks

Basically, a Freeks Control is a controller that extends its height and changes its shape. According to gamers, a joystick with an extended height can provide more limited control over the direction of movement of the joystick. Especially for those who use high sensitivity.

The Xbox Elite controller also offers an extended-height controller, though the pads can sell for up to £160. At £15, the Freeks Control is a much cheaper option if you just want to modify your controller.

Crosshair Positioning

One of the main mistakes newbie players make is that they are not prepared for when and where the enemy will appear.

The best way to improve it is to always be consistent with your crosshair at chest or head level. When your crosshair is pointing a little too high or low when checking a corner, it can reduce the crosshair distance between your head and body when you see an enemy.

If you aim the crosshair at your desired height, you will be able to kill faster and have a better chance of Killing the enemy. This tactic works very well in FPS games such as Valorant and Rainbow Six Siege where the character model and player environment remain consistent.

Train Aim and Reaction Time

If you just want to train your reaction speed and aim, then aiming practice can prove useful. Some games offer an Aim training area, you can practice using various weapons offered in the game.

Valorant, Apex Legends, and Battlefield offer this functionality, and are also rumored to be coming to Rainbow Six Siege soon. If you are using a PC, you can download an app called Aim Lab for free on Steam.

Remember, don’t practice too much with BOT but often play with other players even if you don’t feel good because practicing aiming with BOT is useless.

The movement of the BOT is very predictable, different from a real player even though he is also the same as you, not good at it.

Keeping Sensitivity Consistent

You stay consistent By using aim training, you can also help determine whether your sensitivity is too high or too low. If you find yourself constantly failing to place your crosshairs too far from the enemy, you need to reduce your sensitivity.

If you are too slow to place the crosshair on the enemy you have to increase your sensitivity. Once you find a sensitivity that’s comfortable for you, you’ll want to keep the sensitivity settings consistent between different games. This will help you remember and will help you improve faster as you keep practicing.

The best recommendation is maybe you can try from 400-800 DPI and then set the sensitivity that makes you comfortable.

Practice Constantly

Practice… practice…. exercise. Your understanding of this article is useless if you don’t apply it directly in FPS games. You have to continue to hone your game playing skills with regular practice.

Choose the FPS game that you like and find a match mate. Periodically, test your skills by finding a better match partner so you can learn the technique too. Happy practicing!

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