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Evos Zeys : We Are Focused On The Playoffs!

Zeys resigned and admitted that Evos Legends is currently focusing on facing the MPL ID Season 6 playoffs only.

The Evos Legends coach, Bjorn Orng, seems resigned to the current situation and prefers to focus on the playoffs instead.

Previously, Evos Legends, which is currently led by Zeys or Bjorn Orng in MPL ID Season 6, encountered many obstacles.

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Which causes them to currently be in fifth or sixth position in the standings.

This is a very unnatural thing for a team like Evos Legends which should be in the top 3 standings because it is filled with 2 players who have won M1 2021.

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evos zeys mpl season 6

However, everything did not go smoothly and Zeys admitted that their performance was not good at this time.

“I can only say that we didn’t prepare well, didn’t do well enough and had to try even harder,” Zeys said in a video on Evos TV.

He said this after being defeated by Alter Ego and Onic eSports on week 7 yesterday.

“These two teams are at the top for a reason (Alter Ego and Onic Esports). They were very strong and played well and we didn’t play in the same form (with them).”

Regarding this, Zeys also emphasized that his team is currently more focused on the playoffs even though there is still 1 week left for the regular round of this season.

“At this point we want to be more prepared and focused on the playoffs,” Zeys added.

Will Evos’ performance in the playoffs improve later than before?

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