How to Get Desert Ghillie Settings on PUBG Mobile
pubg desert ghillie suit – In the PUBG Mobile game you must have known that there is a camouflage suit called the ghillie suit (ghillie suit). As the name implies, this ghillie suit is used for camouflage so that the enemy will have a hard time detecting your presence.
When using this ghillie suit, you will blend in with the surrounding environment, so it will be difficult to detect its presence. Unfortunately this ghillie suit is an item that is quite rare and also difficult to find.
So if you can find a ghillie suit during the game, then you are classified as a pretty lucky player. Because in general, this ghillie suit can only be found in water drops.
For those of you who want to get and try using the ghillie suit, you can actually find it in certain locations. This ghillie suit is hidden in certain places in training mode.
If you want to use the ghillie suit, then you have to look for the ghillie suit in the pubg mobile game.
How to Find the Desert Ghillie Suit PUBG Mobile
In general, the location of the ghillie suit will be different each time you play, so it will be quite difficult to find it. However, this is not the case with desert ghillie or chocolate suits where they stay in place every time you play. Here’s how to get the desert ghillie suit:
- Play in training mode then choose to play on the Miramar map. This is because the desert ghillie suit is only found on the Miramar map.
- After that go to the place where there is a pile of containers. The desert ghillie suit was tucked away at the very top of the stack of containers.
- To reach the very top, you have to climb container after container with the help of the steps provided.
- After that you will be at the top of the container stack. There you’ll find a desert ghillie suit next to the chicken.
- After getting the ghillie suit you can immediately use it.
That’s how to get the desert ghillie suit in pubg mobile that we can share. Hopefully you can try yourself to get and use the desert ghillie suit as written above
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