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Careful! Accidental Disconnect in Among Us Can Be Banned!

Among Us will provide a banned feature, here’s the information!

For those of you, Among Us players, of course, you often meet players who like to disconnect intentionally in every game.

Usually these players do Discconnect (DC) on purpose because they don’t get the Impostor role in the game.

And when this game is booming worldwide in various countries, the Among Us community is also struggling to deal with problems like this.

There are more and more toxic players out there who just want to play as Impostors, and there are even cheats that can grant their request.

Trust DC because you are a crewmate, it will make it difficult for your fellow crewmates in the game, and this is what makes players bored.

Of the 10 people who can enter one lobby, there may be only half left, even less in a matter of seconds after the game starts.

Also Read: Here’s Among Us Tasks From Easiest To Hardest!

Innerslot is also working on this problem by introducing us all to a new banned system.

This ban will be given to players who intentionally leave the game without any problems at all, so they will not dare to leave.

Banned will be given for 5 minutes, so the player cannot play, or enter any room in Among Us for the specified time.

Among Us

Innersloth is also currently planning to make a sequel to the game Among Us, and improve their defense system.

Because the more you go back, the more cheaters or hackers are scattered in the game that shouldn’t need this cheat!

Also Read: Among Us Update Can Play 12-15 People? Here’s the info!

That way, we hope that in the next sequel, this banned system will be more emphasized, and the players who always leave for silly reasons will decrease.

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