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Can I Play PUBG Mobile Using a Controller Stick?

Mobile games are currently booming and there are lots of games that have finally released a mobile version to increase their popularity.

How not, in addition to games that are easier and more crowded, players can play the game anytime and anywhere without any problems.

Seen, the only obstacles in mobile games are only your gadget and your provider’s signal, if you play online.

If these two are met, then you will be fine and can play smoothly without any problems.

One of the mobile games that are currently selling in the market is PUBG Mobile, a batte royale game which is a mobile version of the PUBG game.

Playing FPS games or shooting shootouts, of course, is difficult if you only use your fingers, especially for PC players who usually use a mouse.

Many people ask, is it possible to use a PS or Xbox stick to play PUBG Mobile on a cellphone?

Using the PUBG Mobile Play Stick!

If you really feel that using your fingers to control an FPS game is difficult, you can play PUBG Mobile on your computer or laptop.

Tencent allows its players to use emulators, even providing its own emulator, namely Tencent Gaming Buddy.

Also read: The Best PUBG Mobile Emulator To Play on PC!

You don’t have to worry about being cheated, because the server players that use the emulator are different. They can only meet with fellow emulator users.

Well, to use a stick, of course, it is very possible if you play on a computer, but what about on a cellphone?

Some sticks like the PS4 stick, have a Bluetooth feature that you can connect to your cellphone. Unfortunately the features that run in PUBG Mobile are only analog features.

Yes, the character can only walk, without being able to shoot, because the button on the PS4 stick is not yet recognized by the application.

If you need another application that can make mapping the buttons on the PS4 to be pressed on your touch screen.

But remember! Using a third application outside of the PUBG Mobile application will be considered as violation, and can affect your account banned.

So for those of you who want to play PUBG Mobile using a stick on your cellphone, go ahead, but we don’t recommend it.

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