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Build the Best Snapfire Support Items in Dota 2

OKEGUYS – Build the best item for the Snapfire role support hero in Dota 2 that you really have to try, you can make combos with various heroes, guys.

Released 2 years ago or March 5, 2021, to be precise, Snapfore became one of the heroes Dota 2 the newest and most frequently used besides Void Spirit.

That’s because Snapfire has 4 active skills that are very useful for the team, and flexible to do combos with a number of heroes.

This time OKEGUYS wants to share recommendations, the best build items for Snapfire role support that you can use during the match later. Let’s just see what items there are guys!

Snapfire Dota 2’s Best Items Build

1. Arcane Boots

Build Items Snapfire Dota
Photo: Dotafire

Snapfire has a large mana consumption on early game, especially if you use it as a support role.

Arcane Boots won’t go to waste if you use them up to late game because you can upgrade and it will be very useful for the team.

2. Force Staff

Photo: Dotafire

Remember your current role is a support where you have to prioritize the needs of the team over yourself.

Force Staff will be very useful in battles for both gangs, escaping or helping teammates.

3. Aghanim’s Scepter

Build Items Snapfire Dota
Photo: Dotafire

Aghanim’s Scepter is the ultimate weapon that Snapfire must immediately have. Snapfire will get a skill that can eat friends, then shoot them from a distance.

You can combine this skill with Ax, Earthshaker, or Enigma when a large war is gathering together.

4. Aeon Disk

Build Items Snapfire Dota
Photo: Dotafire

Aeon Disk is a defensive item that must be owned by a support in the recent meta. This item will block all incoming damage after the hero gets a certain amount of damage instantly.

5. Guardian Greaves

Photo: Dotafire

Don’t sell the Arcane Boots that you built before. You can upgrade it with Mekansm and make it Guardian Greaves.

This item will be very useful for the whole team when fighting in the late game.

6. Linken’s Sphere

Build Items Snapfire Dota
Photo: Dotafire

Being the last core item that you must have, you can make Linken’s Sphere if you feel Snapfire still needs it defensive items other after Aeon Disk.

Read also: 5 Cool Personas in Dota 2, Really Must Have!

Have you imagined yet, Guys, how strong is Snapfire to support this build item? Make sure you use the OKEGUYS version of the build recommendation, okay? ranked match later!

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