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Best Build Items Carry Nature Prophet Dota 2

OKEGUYS – The best build item for the Nature Prophet hero with the carry role, guaranteed to make your MMR go up tonight.

Player Dota 2 who doesn’t know the hero Nature Prophet? This hero who has the ability to teleport freely anywhere will be really troublesome if played by the right hands.

In addition, this hero is known as a hero to control laning and jungle. There are many roles that Nature Prophet can play, from carry to jungler he can play.

Well, now OKEGUYS wants to tell you the best build item for Nature Prophet with the carry role. Come on, let’s just see how the build guys.

The Best Build Items For Nature Prophet Role Carry

1. Power Treads

build items nature prophet
Photo: dotafire

For shoes, Nature Prophet can use Power Treads. He will really need stats and attack speed. That way you will be easy to do farming, pushing lane, and also kidnap opponent heroes.

2. Witch Blade

Photo: dotafire

Then you can make Witch Blade and it will help you from mid game to late game.

This item will give you attack speed, INT, and also +300 projectile speed which will make your hits hit the enemy faster.

3. Bloodthron

Photo: dotafire

Bloodthron is an upgrade item from Orchid Melevolence that can silance enemy heroes for 5 seconds. This item is very useful if you want to kidnap a magic or support hero.

4. Black King Bar

Photo: dotafire

Nature Prophet as an INT hero, of course, will be quite weak if beaten by several opposing heroes. Even for a duel would also be difficult.

Hence, you will need the Black King Bar to protect it from magic spells such as stun or silence.

5. Scythe of Vyse

Photo: dotafire

For core items, Nature Prophet has a Scythe of Vyse which will hex enemy heroes for 3.5 seconds. Enough time for a kidnapping and make the enemy hero die.

6. Assault Cuirass

build items nature prophet
Photo: dotafire

Finally, you need armor and attack speed again so that Nature Prophet goes crazy with his hits. Assault Cuirass will also provide aura armor and attack speed for your teammates.

Read also: Recommended Best Item Build for Hero Rubick Dota 2

Well, that’s the best build item for the Carry Nature Prophet hero in Dota 2. For you carry players, you really have to try building this one item and get ready +25 tonight.

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