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Besides Being a Pro Player This Job is Very Promising in the eSports Industry!

Besides being a pro player, this job is very promising in the Indonesian eSports Industry!

The eSports industry is currently growing rapidly in Indonesia, especially for young people.

To enter this industry, you must have the skills to work according to general provisions where there are several things you can try, such as being a pro player, influencer, coach and so on.

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But most young people today prefer to be a pro player, because they don’t have to go to high school.

And also working while doing his hobby, namely playing games, this is very popular among young people and the career opportunities are quite large, especially if you become a pro player in Mobile Legends, Free Fire or PUBG Mobile.

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Which three games are currently booming in Indonesia.

But wait, there are actually many career opportunities in the eSports industry besides being a pro player for a game.

One of them is being a shoutcaster who serves as a guide for an eSports tournament as well as a commentator on football or other sports.

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Regarding this matter, MPL Indonesia opens registration to become a shoutcaster which you can try by directly visiting MPL instagram to know the details.

Don’t forget to visit the SPIN Website for other latest updates, and follow Instagram and Youtube we.

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