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Again, Among Us Touches Billions In This Case!

Among Us is one of the many successful games to get a lot of players in just a matter of weeks.

Within 1 month during the pandemic, this game immediately boomed, not only in Indonesia, but throughout the country.

This game that requires us to “accuse and disguise” has succeeded in this time of the corona virus (Covid-19) pandemic.

The phenomenon of the Among Us game continues to be a milestone and set a huge record.

A few months ago, the game reached 3.8 million active players simultaneously. according to one of the developers at Innersloth.

Lots of Streamers, Youtubers, Artists, and other famous people who play this game, and attract a lot of viewers.

There is Pewdiepie, Pokimane, even Raditya Dika just to upload a video playing Among Us with his friends.

This game has really become a good plague during this pandemic, generating hundreds of millions of rupiah in income.

Did you know that Among Us has other big numbers. The numbers obtained reach billions.

Also Read: Riot Games Will Release a Game Similar To Among Us?

Yes, obtained from, it was noted that Among Us has received 4 Billion Views on Youtube last September.

This long-released game, can reach the billion mark in just a few weeks after it boomed.

Why is Among Us so popular?

Yes, it’s only natural to be able to reach billions like that, this very simple game to play attracts attention.

First, the space required is not much, any mobile phone will be strong enough to play this game.

Everyone in the world is confined to their homes and can’t get out into the open, and eventually they have to find games to keep from getting bored.

As a result, the only game that can make people joke with each other with their 1st group friends is Among Us.

Also Read: This Game Overtakes Among Us’ Fame

Making us laugh with our friends, even though not facing each other, is also not difficult to play.

Don’t forget the help of Youtubers and Streamers who introduced this game to the community so that it is widely played.

What do you think? Do you agree that Among us sells well, and can attract billions of views because of the above?

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