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5 Tips for Shadow Shaman Role Hard Support in Dota 2

OKEGUYS – Learn these 5 tips for using Shadow Shaman on a hard support role in Dota 2, so you don’t become a burden on the team.

Do you know hero support with disable spells that are just as annoying as Lion in Dota 2? The answer is Shadow Shaman.

Character resembling a shaman, Shadow Shaman is an excellent support hero to use in every situation because it has 2 disable spells and 2 magic attack spells.

Moreover, his ultimate skill can destroy a tower quickly, and can also confine a hero.

Well, now OKEGUYS wants to give you tips so you can be good at playing Shadow Shaman with a hard support role in Dota 2. Come on, let’s just see what tips are there, Guys.

5 Tips So You Can Be Good at Shadow Shaman Hard Support in Dota 2

Shadow Shaman Dota 2 Tips
Photo: Dailymotion

1. With Carry on Safe Lane

As a hard support, Shadow Shaman should go with the carry to the safe lane. Especially if your carry hero has a sick hit like Ursa or Juggernaut.

Shadow Shaman can use the Shackles skill to bind and disable enemy heroes to get kills easily.

2. Pull/Stack Creep

Don’t forget you also have to let enemy creeps advance to the tower by pulling neutral creeps on passing creeps.

You can also stack neutral creeps so that your carry or mid laner can farm quickly and get rich.

3. Mobiling to Mid Lane

In the early game, your success in kidnapping the enemy’s mid hero when moving to the mid lane increases your chances of winning the match.

Shadow Shaman is a dangerous hero for enemy mid laners because when hit by Hex and Shackles it is certain to die.

4. Build Aether Lens & Blink Dagger

Create an Aether Lens which will add +225 cast range and allow the Shadow Shaman to Shackles from a great distance.

Shadow Shaman also has to make a Blink Dagger to carry out kidnappings and escape from battle.

5. Don’t Hesitate to Use Ultimate Skill

Lastly and what is often forgotten, don’t worry and hesitate to use Shadow Shaman’s ultimate skill.

Use the Mass Serpent Ward for pushing towers or during war. You can also use it to confine your opponent’s hero, guys.

Read also: 5 Most Difficult Dota 2 Heroes to Play

Well, those are the tips that you can do when using the Shadow Shaman hero and become a support role in Dota 2. Don’t forget to practice these 5 tips in your match Guys, so that it doesn’t become a burden on the team.

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