4 Mistakes Beginners in VALORANT Should Avoid
4 Mistakes Beginners in VALORANT Should Avoid.
At first glance, Valorant is a fairly simple game. You just need to kill your opponent and set the bomb, or vice versa kill your opponent and thwart their task of setting the bomb.
Even so, this FPS game is actually quite complicated and there are a lot of things that players have to learn.
In this article, SPIN Esports will discuss 4 mistakes that beginners often make in Valorant and they should avoid
No Heating
Like athletes who warm up before competing, the same thing must be done by Valorant players before they play, especially in competitive mode.
The warm-up will help players to improve their focus and reflexes before a serious match.
Take your time in practice mode to practice aiming, crosshair placement and also the spray pattern of the main weapons.
Custom Game Mode will also really help you to warm up by trying the skills of each character and also understanding the map location.
Practice and warm-up will really help you play better in the match later and can also increase your ranking.
Not using Voice Chat
Valorant is a game that relies heavily on teamwork, because in this game information is very expensive
Just by listening to the footsteps, players can predict how many players are in a location.
Therefore, communication is very important in Valorant and the easiest way to communicate in this game is by using Voice Chat.
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It’s true that at first talking to people we don’t know seems quite uncomfortable, but if you can communicate well with your teammates, the chances of your team winning will be much higher too.
The worst thing they can do is be uncooperative and if they behave in a toxic way, you can easily mute your toxic teammates.
However, if your teammates are cooperative and friendly, you might get potential teammates for your future Valorant matches.
Not Managing the Economy
Have you ever played a match where it felt like you could only afford to buy weapons like specters, shotguns and bulldogs every round?
If you have, chances are that you are not managing your economy well.
As Spinners know, every match in Valorant has many rounds. and each round you will get money whose amount depends on the results of your win or loss in the previous round.
Therefore, understanding how to balance your economy in the long term is very important.
Although the thought of buying the most expensive weapons, skills and armor per round was tempting, it was irrational.
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You need to know when to save, buy a little and also buy full. New players often get caught up in this thought and buy any weapon without a second thought.
All you have to do is to understand how many credits you will have between each round.
During the buy phase, you can see how many credits you have and the minimum number of credits you will have in the next round.
If Spinners can manage the money you have each round and know when to buy or save, you’ll be playing with the best weapons more often and playing better as a result.
Don’t understand Agent Skill
Agents are the most important part of Valorant, and if you want to play competitive mode, it’s a good idea to understand at least one agent and his playing style.
Are they agents who can be aggressive like Reyna and Raze or maybe this agent is more suitable to play support like Sage?
Understanding the agent skills that you will use can greatly help the team’s performance in the match later.
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Again, Spinners can try the agent’s skills in Custom game mode with activated cheats. Turn on the unlimited abilities option, and your agent skills will not run out.
Then you can do every skill there is, and when is the right time to use it.
If Spinners are starting to feel confident, you can try using the agent in Unranked mode and experimenting with the skills.
Here are 5 beginner mistakes in Valorant to avoid! Don’t forget to visit the SPIN Website for other latest updates, and follow Instagram and Youtube we.
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