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2 Ways to Shrink Word Files Without an Application, Still Good Quality!

Now, almost everyone is familiar with this one word processing software. How not, Microsoft Word is the most popular software until now. In addition to a very friendly interface and tools, the software released in 1983 has a WYSWYG concept (What You See is What You Get). That is, what is seen will also be the same as what is obtained, the input entered will be the same as the resulting output.

Word files, known as word processors, do not only contain a collection of words but also images, graphics, tables and others. However, it makes the file size itself will be large. One of the things that makes word files so large is data other than words such as images. Because some users add images without compressing them first. Whereas in some cases, the number of pages generated is not much.

Therefore, this article will explain about how to shrink a word file without an application. Thus, word files will become more efficient in terms of sending files and in terms of storage. Check out the following explanation.

2 Ways to Shrink Word Files

In this tutorial, I will show you two ways to shrink a word file. First by compressing the image (if there is an image in the word file) from Ms. Word itself, both with the help of online tools. Just follow the steps below:

Method 1: Compress Images (If There Are Images) of Ms. Word

In the first method this can only be done if the word file has an image. How to shrink this word file only takes advantage of the image compression feature in the Ms. Word itself.

1. Open the word file which you want to reduce in size. You can see the initial size of the file I will shrink is 8.748 KB or 8.54 MB.

2. Then select or left click on the image > then select the Format menu > next select Compress Pictures.

2 - compress

3. Next, a screen like the one below will appear. Do uncheck (uncheck) the Apply only to this pictures section so that you don’t compress the images one by one > then select the E-mail option (96 ppi): minimize document size for sharing > then click OK.

How to Shrink Word Files Without Application

4. After that don’t forget save word file which has been compressed by pressing the crtl + s keys on the keyboard. Then please see the file size after compressing the image in the word file. Then the word file size will be reduced. In my word file, the initial size is 8.748 KB or 8.54 MB and after compressing it becomes 1.724 KB or 1.68 MB.

4 - done

Method 2: Using Neuxpower Tools

Neuxpower is a tool that can compress word files to make them smaller in size. This tool itself is able to compress word files without affecting the quality of the file. In addition, Neuxpower also offers offline and online applications. If you want to go online then you have to download and install the app to your device. However, in this tutorial I only use online tools.

1. Open browser you > then open link following:

2. Next please choose Free Online Tool.

step 2 - choose free online

3. Then upload word files which you want to minimize by clicking the plus sign icon or you can drag and drop.

How to Shrink Word Files Without Application

4. Please select word file > then click Open. You can see the initial size of the word file below which is 5,892 KB. After that you can compare the word files after they are compressed.

step4 - select the wordd file

5. Wait a few moments until the compression process is complete > then click Download.

How to Shrink Word Files Without Application

6. After that try to compare the results before and after being compressed. Then the file size will be smaller after being compressed.

step 6 - done

It turns out that it’s easy, isn’t it, how to shrink a word file? You can choose which method suits your needs. Word files that initially have a large size will become small after the compression process is carried out on the file. Well, the problem with the large word file size has been resolved with the method above. A few articles on how to shrink a word file. Hopefully useful for you and good luck.

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