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How to Delete WhatsApp Contacts Quickly (Latest 2021)

The messaging application, founded by Jan Koum and Brian Acton, has become one of the most popular messaging applications by all people, regardless of age but also for all social statuses. More than 180 countries WhatsApp is used to stay connected safely and simply. Until now, WhatsApp is still the main choice for many people.

This is due to the advantages that WhatsApp has, among others, easy use of applications, applications that are quite light compared to other chat applications, and do not require a fast internet connection so that this application becomes a chat application with the most users.

WhatsApp, which officially joined Facebook in 2004, continues to strive to provide communication services that are increasingly developing other new features. This application is one of the most widely used chat applications by the people of Indonesia. This is because the use of this application is very easy and light, especially for ordinary people.

The contact list of phone numbers on your smartphone that already uses WhatsApp will be automatically recognized by WhatsApp and then directly accessed by chat applications that have been downloaded more than 1 billion people this. WhatsApp will automatically save these contacts in the WhatsApp contact list if you have allowed WhatsApp to access your contacts previously.

Here’s How to Delete Whatsapp Contacts

Some of the contacts that are automatically accessed by WhatsApp may no longer be active or you no longer need them. You want to delete that WhatsApp contact for some reason but you don’t know how. Well, this article will review how the hell how to delete WhatsApp contacts in an easy and hassle-free way. Let’s follow the methods below.

1. Open the WhatsApp Application.

2. Select the chat icon on the tab CHATS like the image circled in red below.

How to Delete WhatsApp Contacts

3. After that, all contact numbers that have been accessed by WhatsApp before will appear. Find the contact you want to delete and then tap on the contact’s name.

How to Delete WA Contacts

4. You will enter into a private chat room. Then select the icon Menu which is in the upper right corner or look at the image circled in red below.

How to Delete Contacts on WhatsApp

5. Then select View Contact/View Contact.

select View Contact/View Contact

6. The screen you see now shows contact information i.e. profile photo, name, number and other settings. Select the menu icon in the upper right corner then select View in address book/View in contact book.

select View in address book/View in contact book

7. You will be directed to the address book / contact book that you saved on your phone. Select button Delete/Delete.

Select the Delete button

8. Press OK if your smartphone asks to reconfirm deleting the contact.

How to Delete WhatsApp Contacts 20199. Reopen your WhatsApp. Then open the list of all WhatsApp contacts like method number 2.

10. After that select the menu icon in the upper right corner as shown below > select Refresh/ Update.How to Delete WhatsApp Contacts on HP

If you have followed the above methods correctly, then your WhatsApp contacts have been deleted. So are the contact numbers stored on your phone. Easy isn’t it how to delete your WhatsApp contacts?

However, this method is very risky to make you completely lose the contact number from your phone if you have not backed up your contact number. Another option so you don’t get distracted by the contact is that you don’t need to delete the contact but just block the contact. So, if at any time you want to call him back, you can unblock the contact number.

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