Weapons such as the M416, AKM, M24, or Kar98 seem to be currently the deadliest weapons in PUBG that are most in demand. This is because this sniper rifle type weapon has very high damage. Which with just one shot in the head, the opponent can die instantly.
The fast tempo of the game requires players to look for the best items to survive, including weapons. Each weapon has its own advantages and disadvantages. Of the many weapons available in the PUBG Mobile Battle Royale Game, there are around 5 weapons that are considered underrated by players. Curious about what rifles are often considered underrated? Here’s the full review.
The fate of this assault rifle type weapon is not as good as its M416 counterpart. The reason is, the weapons that you often find at the beginning of this game are not widely chosen by players to use. The reason is, SCAR-L does not have significant damage. Plus the range of this one weapon is also lacking. Even though SCAR-L and M416 have the same damage, namely 41 points. But somehow the prestige of the M416 is much better than the SCAR-L.
This weapon that relies on 5.56mm caliber bullets has a recoil stability that is quite easy to control. Especially when you do spray down. Actually, there is something interesting about SCAR-L. That is, if given additional AR compensator and Light Grip, the bullets you use will be stable and not run anywhere.
Usually SCAR-L is used by players when sneaking and then ambushes the enemy suddenly when the opponent is off guard. Its use is only at the beginning of the game, when in the middle to the end of the game, this weapon begins to be left by the player.
Having only 13 bullets makes Vector not much ogled. Yes, you could say that Vector still loses prestige among other SMG classes. If other SMG weapons such as the UMP9 can accommodate up to 40 bullets, Vector can only accommodate a maximum of 25 bullets. That’s even if it is paired with an extended mag.
Even so, don’t underestimate the ability of little Vector. He is a duel expert, when dealing with opponents at close range this weapon is very deadly. Has a high level of fire rate with a distance of about 5-10 meters (face to face). If all the bullets you launch hit the enemy, you are the champion. Another drawback that Vector has that makes this PUBG Mobile weapon underrated is the small damage, which is only 31 points.
In addition to SCAR-L (Assault Riffle) and Vector (Sub-Machine Gun), another underrated weapon in PUBGM is the DP-28 (Light Machine Gun). There are 2 reasons why players don’t like the DP-28. The first is because this weapon has a fairly long reload duration (approximately 5 seconds). A slow reload of course will be very detrimental to the player. Just imagine, when you are dealing with an opponent but you have to reload first. The one with “Chicken Dinner” you failed to get.
The second is because the DP-28 (Light Machine Gun) has a fairly short shooting range. Apart from the disadvantages, this weapon has its own advantages. Like the tripod at the bottom which is able to stabilize the recoil when prone.
In addition, the DP-28 also has a capacity of up to 47 bullets. In terms of damage, the DP-28 cannot be taken lightly, reaching 49 points. In other words, it only takes four to five bullets with this 7.62mm caliber to return the enemy to the lobby game.
Micro Uzi
The Micro Uzi is known as a geeky weapon. Because this weapon is very easy to find in the map. As we know the weapons that are widely available and easy to find on the PUBG Mobile map are in the bad weapon category. Therefore, most players consider this Micro Uzi as a dregs weapon.
If you find this weapon, don’t throw it away. Take the positive that behind a deficiency there must be an advantage. To be precise, Uzi has a pretty epic advantage when used in close combat. The small recoil makes it easy to knock out the opponent’s strength.
Tommy Gun
Even though it has up to 38 points of damage (the largest among other SMG weapons). But that doesn’t make Thompson a weapon that players love until the late game. Maybe the reason is because Thompson has a limited type and number of attachments, not as many as other SMGs.
Players may find it difficult to use Thompson, because Scope cannot be installed. Which is the function of the Scope itself to help us target the enemy with clear vision. In addition to great damage, Thompson has a relatively high fire rate advantage. Good for close combat less than 50 meters with lethal potential.
Although it is included in the ranks of underrated weapons, in fact the M164 is also included in the list of one of the strongest weapons in PUBG Mobile. How not, although it is considered weak because it does not have an auto mode, the M164 has a burst mode. What is burst mode? find out for yourself.
What is certain is that with the burst mode you can fire three bullets at once to paralyze the enemy. Isn’t it awesome? To be able to feel the advantages, you just need to improve your game skills. Sometimes the skill is more important than the weapon itself.
VSS Vintorez
This is where VSS VINTOREZ is unique. There is no similar sniper weapon that has bundled a package with a 4x scope. Plus plus there is an auto shooting mode, it’s as cool as it is cool anyway. VSS VINTOREZ can be used in 2 combat conditions at once. Namely for long-range combat and for close-range combat.
A prominent weakness in VSS VINTOREZ is the very slow bullet rate when shooting enemies. Especially if the enemy is in a vehicle, you need good accuracy before opening fire.
So, those are 7 weapons that are considered underrated in the PUBG Mobile game, which turned out to be strong and dangerous and deadly. Are you interested in trying it? Stay tuned for the latest and updated news about games and anime only at Kabar Games.
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