Savage! This is Qiqi's Best Weapon Build in Genshin Impact
The number of characters presented in the Genshin Impact game is a special attraction for gamers. Each of the existing characters is also equipped with strengths with various elements. You can increase the strength of each character later as long as you apply the right weapon build to the character.
And one of the characters that is quite a favorite is Qiqi, the character of a small child who has interesting powers. The Genshin Impact game itself is currently one of the best-selling RPG games in the world. Even though the game made by MiHoYo was only released on September 28, 2021. However, thanks to the variety of gameplay and characters presented, it is enough to attract the attention of gamers.
The Qiqi character is no exception in the Genshin Impact game. Each character usually has an interesting ability that is different from the others. Here, we will tell you some interesting things about Qiqi. Starting from its strength to the best build for Qiqi in Genshin Impact.
Qiqi characters in Genshin Impact
Before going further about the best build, you should know what the character of Qiqi is like in Genshin Impact. There are many characters in the game Genshin Impact. Each character has its own power along with the elements it controls.
Qiqi’s character can be said to be a rare character, because it has quite extraordinary strength. Qiqi entered into a Tier S character. So, there was no need to doubt her strength. In the Genshin Impact game, Qiqi’s character acts as a role healer or healer. In addition, Qiqi can also be an additional DPS that can strengthen the team.
Not only that, Qiqi has also entered into a five-star character and has the power of the cyro element. When entering the battlefield, in addition to being a healer for team members, Qiqi can also protect himself with the power of the ice element he has. In addition, Qiqi is also equipped with a sword weapon that can be used to attack his enemies.
To increase its power, there are some of the best builds for Qiqi in Genshin Impact by applying a few things to it. One of them is to provide a weapon build that matches it.
Qiqi’s Best Weapon Build
To maximize the strength of the character in the Genshin Impact game, you can apply several builds that match it. Including the Qiqi character which is actually quite powerful. But if you want to increase the combat power of Qiqi’s character in Genshin Impact, you need to know what are the best builds that can be applied to him.
There are many kinds of weapons available in the game Genshin Impact. The weapons contained in Genshin Impact also have different star levels. The following is the news of Games giving some recommendations for building weapons and their stars that can be the best build for Qiqi Genshin Impact.
3 Star Weapon
In the line of three-star weapons, there are at least two kinds of weapons that can be the best build of Qiqi Genshin Impact.
The first Qiqi Genshin Impact weapon build is the Fillet Blade. This weapon can only be activated once every 15 seconds. Even so, Fillet Blade has a fairly high attack power. If used in an attacking strategy, Fillet Blade is able to have a 50 percent chance to deal 240% ATK DMG damage to an enemy it attacks.
Next is the Harbinger of Dawn weapon. This best Qiqi Genshin Impact weapon build can be used when you have HP above 90 percent. That way, you can activate the Harbinger of Dawn ability which can increase the Critical Rate by 14 percent.
4 Star Weapon
In the lineup of 4-star weapons, there are also many weapons that can be the best build of Qiqi Genshin Impact.
The first Qiqi Genshin Impact 4-star weapon build is The Flute. This weapon can be used for normal attacks to obtain harmonization. When you can get 5 harmons, you can deal 100% Attack Damage to enemies near you.
Next up is the Sacrificial Sword weapon. Every time you deal damage using elemental power, you will experience a cooldown. Therefore, the Sacrificial Sword has a function to prevent Qiqi cooldown every time it gives an attack to the opponent. With this weapon, Qiqi’s character can have a 40% chance to replenish its cooldown. Even so, this effect is only able to activate once every 30 seconds.
This weapon build is able to increase attack damage to be greater. by applying the Prototype Rancour to Qiqi, every time you attack, you can increase your base attack and defense by 4% than usual. The Prototype Rancour ability can only be active for 6 seconds to 4 stacks. In addition, the effect can only be used once every 0.3 seconds.
5 Star Weapon
Qiqi Genshin Impact’s best 5-star weapon build is Skywar Blade. This weapon build is the main recommendation for Qiqi Genshin Impact to use compared to others. Because Skyward Blade has extraordinary abilities for Qiqi Genshin Impact.
Skyward Blade is a sword-shaped weapon that can increase the critical rate by 4 percent. Not only that, this weapon build can also provide a faster healing effect from wounds. Usually, Skyward Blade can be obtained through gacha. The activation of the Skyward Blade ability can only last for 12 seconds.
Those are some of the best Qiqi Genshin Impact weapon builds that you need to know. Applying the right weapon build to each character can increase the strength it has. Stay tuned for updated information about games, gadgets and anime only at Kabar Games. So you don’t miss the news, you can follow the news Instagram and Facebook accounts. Don’t forget to leave your comments!
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