RIP Stan Lee, These are 5 Legendary 90's Old Marvel Games
GridGames.ID – Stan Lee is dead, but as long as he lives, Marvel, which he founded, has been around for 71 years and produces films, cartoons, comics, and of course games.
This time GridGames.ID will provide a number of legendary 90s Marvel games.
The story of each game is based on Marvel comics, one of which is Stan Lee’s.
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Let’s just take a look at what this legendary Marvel game is:
1. Spiderman
Spiderman (1982)
This Spiderman game was released in 1982 made by Parker Brothers. This Spiderman is games premiere of the whole game Spiderman which is a lot now.
This Spiderman uses a story based on Marvel comics and platformuse it Atari 2600 you know. Very old, isn’t it?
This game tells about the fight between Spiderman and Green Goblin. Well, Spiderman has to go through several challenges and can only run diagonally and vertically.
2. Captain America in: The Doom Tube of Dr. Megalomann

Captain America in: The Doom Tube of Dr. Megalomann
Captain America released in circa 1987 which can be played on Atari, Amstard CPC, Commodore 64, and ZX Spectrum.
This Captain America character is the premiere in games this is it!
This game tells if Captain America have to fight Dr. Megalomann in the pipes that are interconnected with each other.
Besides, there was a virus that started to spread and Captain America must avoid contaminated pipes.
This game is played with a duration of one hour you know the longest.
3. The Uncanny X-Men
The Uncanny X-Men
This game released by LJN in 1989 was played by Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
The story in this game tells about each character in X-Men such as Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, and Iceman.
Each character has different strengths and there are five missions to complete and one of the enemies is Magnet here.
4. Silver Surfer

Online Emulators
Silver Sufer
If you’ve watched Fantastic Four Second, you must have seen the figure Silver Surfer.
Silver Surfer it was released in 1990 which can be played Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) by single player.
Strength in this game by shooting using his power by pressing the “F” button.
The story in this game is based on comics Silver Surfer from Marvel.
5. Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four
Who doesn’t know movies? Fantastic Four? Of course, you already know each character.
This game was released in 1997 and is played on Playstation here. Besides, the story from the original comic Fantastic Four.
Fantastic Four this game tells about Dr. Doom develop transportation to fight monsters and other enemies together Fantastic Four.
Of the five Marvel games above, which one have you tried?
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