It is known, one of the old content that will be removed in season 6 is the train in World’s Edge. So why did EA remove the train? And why are players disappointed? Check out some interesting information regarding the content presented and the disappearance of the World’s Edge train in Season 6 of Apex Legends below.
Quoted from EA’s official website, Apex Legends Season 6 is scheduled to be released on August 18, 2021 or August 19, 2021 for Asian time and several eastern hemisphere countries. In addition to new characters, EA’s official blog also explains about the existence of more than 100 exclusive content that will fill season 6, such as Spray, Legendary skins, Apex Packs and so on.
Train Not Working Anymore When it was first introduced in season 3 ago, the train spot has become the most popular bloody place for gamers. Apart from that the loot on the train is still in the World’s Edge . In this place, players often find level 3 (purple) or level 4 (gold) shields in the train.
Unfortunately, in season 6 this iconic place will be removed. The reason, no one knows the exact reason why this train was abolished. Even though for 3 seasons this train has become a favorite place for gamers to overthrow enemies.
Besides being unused, the train will also be separated from its carriage to several places on the map. Later, the train cars will fill several tunnels with their respective loot. However, there is no further information whether the place will become the same hot zone as before or not.
New Weapon Volt SMG VIDEO
Update season 6, don’t miss EA also update the ranked system and complete the choice of weapons. The ranked mode is intentionally made so that hardcore players can show off their skills until they reach Apex Predator rank. As for weapons matters, it presents a weapon called the Volt which is an SMG type weapon with Energy Ammo.
For players, this weapon is familiar, because this weapon is often relied on for the initial rounds of matches or in Pilots-Only mode. The Volt SMG is known for its excellent accuracy when fired without zooming in, and will emit electric blue bullets.
Missing Mirage Pesawat In addition to trains, reportedly in season 6, the existence of mirage aircraft which is a hot zone will also be eliminated. This was conveyed by Respawn Entertainment as the developer. Through a statement on its official website, Respawn Entertainment said that it will change several areas with blast walls in places such as Skyhook, Lava Fissure, and Train Yard.
They also confirmed the existence of a new area called the launch site. Where this location will later be used for rocket launches which is one part of the story.
Introduction to Crafting System
After making a major overhaul by eliminating trains and planes, EA and Respawn Entertainment also introduced a new feature called the crafting system. in a teaser that was uploaded some time ago, you can see a capsule called the Replicator that will appear at certain points on the map.
This replicator will be given armor, weapons, ammo and so on, some other things for crafting materials. However, until now there is no clarity about how the capsules will work. Will it appear randomly like a care package or will it be called like a mobile respawn beacon.
Rampart characters
As in general, season updates usually feature the latest characters, this is no exception for Apex Legends season 6, titled “Boosted”. One of the content introduced by EA and Respawn is a new character named Rampart.
Referring to the trailer uploaded on Apex Legends’ official YouTube channel, Rampart is described as a female figure who has an Indian appearance and accent. By wearing a gold ring on her nose and a bindi (a point on the forehead) which is usually worn by Hindu women.
You could say Rampart is the first Indian character in Apex Legends. Where Rampart himself turns out to have the last name Parekh. Many consider that Rampart has a charm that at first glance is like a combination of Junkrat and Symmetra.
So far, neither EA nor Respawn Entertainment has provided detailed information about Rampart’s capabilities in detail. However, from the trailer presented, we can guess that Rampart is a reliable weapon expert.
Unfortunately, behind the many feature enhancements in season 6, fans were disappointed because there were no new maps presented. In fact, as is known in the Broken Ghost mission, there is a floating city called Olympus which should be the newest Apex Legends map.
Many surprises will be presented by EA and Respawn regarding the Apex Legends Season 6 update. Are you guys impatient to play this season 6? Write your opinion in the comments column below. Thus a little description of some information about Season 6 of Apex Legends. For you gamers, don’t forget to hone your skills.
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