Mining: Waterfall Mine and Winter Mine
In the game Harvest Moon: Back to Nature there are two mines that you can enter. The Waterfall Mine (behind the waterfall) you can enter throughout the year and you can find the ore you need to upgrade your tools or sell it for extra income.
In this mine you will find Junk (ordinary stone), Copper (copper), Silver (silver), Gold (Gold), and of course the most expensive ore in the Hot Spring mine, Mystrile (diamond).
Meanwhile, another mine is called the Winter Mine, which is located in the middle of the lake in the Mother’s Hill valley. This mine can only be accessed during winter, because the lake will freeze so that it becomes a connecting road to enter it.
Here you can find Junk, Mystrile, Orichalc Ore, and Adamantite Ore. Orichalc Ore and Adamantite ores can be used to make tools such as cheese machines and jewelry.
The deeper you mine, the more valuable the items found. Interestingly, in the deepest mine you will find a passage, go inside then you will see a lake in the mine. This lake is the place to get one of the legendary fish.
However, you need to know, to explore more deeply, please keep an eye on your stamina. If you run out of stamina then you will faint later, to overcome this you need Power Berries and Special Berries so you don’t get tired quickly.
Mining Tips
At the beginning of the game you are only given a little money, use the money to buy spring plant seeds and save the rest to buy a basket.
The first day just go to the Waterfall Mine, try to bring good ores such as Gold or Mystrile. Keep it in the bag and go home to sell it in the bin.
After that go to the hot springs, soak for about an hour. Then continue mining again, continue to do it until the afternoon.
After a few days you have money to buy a Harvest Basket. Go to the Supermarket, buy the item. Then go home and you will see a basket. Take the basket into the mine.
Place the basket first and start mining. You can save the results into the Harvest Basket. You need to know, this basket has a maximum capacity of 30 pieces. If it is more then it will not be counted.
Alright, we assume you have filled the basket completely, then then sell your mining results to Zack by facing the Bin (storage) and pressing box. If you are tired, refresh your body in the Hot Springs for 1 hour. This also applies to the Winter Mine.
Tips for finding stairs quickly
As you mentioned above, the deeper you mine, the more valuable the results you find. So the question is how to get the stairs to go down to the next floor without having to dig a lot?
The trick is quite simple, after you get a ladder from the top level (1st floor) to the bottom (2nd floor), go vertically, opposite of the ladder and try to dig there.
If 2-3 times you dug there is no ladder, now go horizontally and try to dig a few more times. If still not found, now try the diagonal direction of the stairs.
So what if you still can’t find the stairs down? So the last option is to use feeling. Actually the ladder search technique has been proven in waterfall mines and the accuracy rate is around 75%-85%. This means that you can reach the 6th or 7th floor in just 20 excavations and of course there are advantages, the first is energy efficient, and the second mine is more valuable (less Junk).
More tips
- Never dig the edge of the mine in an area of 2 squares from the stairs because players will get nothing, forget about that if your stamina doesn’t want to be wasted.
- In taking mining items, just throw away trash because it’s only 1 G. After reaching the lowest level, the ore you get is much better.
- Be careful when mining in the Winter Mine. The Winter Mine only consists of 10 levels and at the lowest level you can’t find anything because there is an entrance to the legendary fish pond.
- When mining, we will be exhausted. It should be noted again, there are 5 levels of fatigue on a sunny day and 3 levels of tiredness on a rainy/night/snowy day. After the last fatigue level appears, you can still dig 9 more times. Don’t be too forced because on the 10th dig you will faint and wake up at 12 noon the next day. If you are tired, you should soak in a hot spring for 1 hour, then your stamina will recover by 80% and you can resume mining activities.
- In addition to getting ore, you will also get coins. The coin will be automatically put into the pocket and each coin earned has a value of 10G.
Tips to save time: Put the mining products in the chicken coop bin (don’t bin near the house) because in the chicken coop the time in Harvest Moon BTN will not run.
Mining Products Price
Waterfall Mine
- Junk ore (junk): 1G
- Copper ore (copper): 15G
- Silver ore (silver): 20G
- Gold Ore (gold): 25G
- Mystrile ore (diamond): 40G
Winter Mine
- Junk ore (junk): 1G
- Mystrile ore: 40G
- Adamantite ore: 50G
- Orichalc ore: 50G
That’s the discussion about mining in Harvest Moon: Back to Nature (HM BTN). You can earn extra money easily by selling ores obtained through mining activities. Not only that, you can also upgrade equipment, make cheese-making tools, to jewelry.
If you like this article, please share it with your friends too. Wait for the next update, and for those of you who are new to playing Harvest Moon, don’t forget to also read our article about the Harvest Moon Back to Nature Guidebook.
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