How to Use GBWhatsApp for Beginners (Latest 2021)
As it is known that the GBWhatsApp application is a WhatsApp MOD application, which is specially designed with several advantages and uniqueness. One of the unique features of GBWhastApp is that this application can run simultaneously with the official version of the WhatsApp application.
In addition, sometimes there are users who think of having two different WhatsApp accounts. So, this GBWhatsApp application can be a solution for those of you who want to have two accounts, so there is no need to bother having two smartphones at once.
To enjoy the advantages of this GBWhatsApp, you must download and install this application on your smartphone. However, this GBWhatsApp application will not be found in the Play Store, but you must download it yourself via a web browser (tutorial here).
Download GBWhatsapp Latest Version Here
In this article, I will explain what features are contained in GBWhatsApp and how to use them. Go straight to the explanation on how to use the following GBWhatsApp.
How to Use GBWhatsApp
In general, GBWhatsApp has the same features as the official WhatsApp. However, this GBWhatsApp is equipped with various features that the official WhatsApp does not have. What are these features?
One of the features that you can enjoy is the Privacy feature. This feature can be enjoyed by selecting the menu located in the upper right corner, like the menu in WhatsApp. Well, below will explain what privacy features are in GBWhatsApp and how to use GBWhatsApp.
1. Show Online Status
In WhatsApp itself, to see if other users are offline or online, it can be seen through the status contained when opening the chat for that user. While on GBWhatsApp, you can hide your Online status so that other users can’t see that you are Online.
How to use ? You just choose the menu Privacy > select Show Online Status. That way, other users don’t know that you’re actually online.
2. Blue Ticks
Of course, you’ve noticed on WhatsApp that if a chat has been read by another user, a blue tick (double ticks) will appear in your chat.
If you yourself want to hide that you have read other users’ chats, then all you have to do is select the menu Privacy > select Blue Ticks. That way, other users will think that you haven’t read the message that has been sent, while you know if the message you sent has been read by that user.
3. Second Ticks
This feature is the same as the previous feature, namely you can hide that you have read chats from other users, the difference is that this feature only shows one tick. That way, other users assume that you haven’t received the chat, let alone read it.
In fact, you yourself have read the chat from the user. How to use it is easy, you just have to choose the menu Privacy > select Second Ticks. Just like WhatsApp, even if you have activated this feature, you can still reply to the user’s chat.
4. Writing Status
Have you ever noticed the words “… is typing” when someone is about to message you? Well, by using this feature you can hide the status from other users, so that other users don’t know that you are sending them a message.
5. Blue Microphone
Using this feature, you can hide the blue ticks when voice messages from other users have been read by you. How to use it is easy, you just choose Privacy > select Blue Microphone, other users will think that you haven’t heard the voicemail from him
6. Enable Anti-Revoke
Maybe you’ve been annoyed when the message was deleted by the sender, so you can’t see what messages have been sent by him. If on WhatsApp, messages that have been deleted by users, we can’t see them again unless we use additional applications.
However, by activating this feature in GBWhatsApp, you can refuse to delete messages from other users. Or in other words, you can still read the message, when in fact the message has been deleted by the sender.
Those are some of the features contained in GBWhatsApp and how to use GBWhatsApp (along with its features). With this feature, your privacy is more protected. However, be a wise user in using the application. Do not let the application you use harm yourself and even other users.

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