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How to Install Windows 10 on Virtualbox 2021 (Complete+Pictures)

Steps on how to install windows 10 on virtualbox starting from making settings in virtualbox to installing windows 10

Windows 10 is the latest Windows series operating system today. There are so many changes brought by Windows 10 in fixing bugs in the previous version of the Windows operating system, namely Windows 8.1.

The display on Windows 10 also looks more elegant with a black theme. That way, it will issue a simple and concise impression on its appearance.

Many computer users are very comfortable using this Windows operating system because of its light use when compared to Windows 8.1. Therefore, if you want to experience the interface of Windows 10, then you must first download it on your computer.

How to Install Windows 10 on Virtualbox

You can install Windows 10 on your computer if you want to enjoy the services offered by the Windows 10 operating system. However, if you are still hesitant to try it, then you can install it using VirtualBox instead of reinstalling it.

With VirtualBox, you can install various operating systems that you can use. Here’s how to install Windows 10 in VirtualBox.

1. First install the VirtualBox application on your computer, then download the Windows 10 ISO file via this link. If you have, then you have to open the VirtualBox application to create a virtual machine that is used to install the Windows 10 operating system. Then click the button New.

windows 10

2. Then give the name of your operating system. Then click the button Next.

windows 10

3. Next, provide the RAM memory size for the Windows 10 virtual machine. Here I provide only 2 GB of RAM memory. Then click the button Next.

How to Install Windows 10 on the Latest Virtualbox

4. Next choose Create a virtual hard disk now to create a virtual hard disk for Windows 10. Then click the . button Create.

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5. Select the file type for your virtual hard disk, click it VDI (Virtual Disk Image). Then click the button Next.

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6. Click option Dynamically allocated. Then click the button Next.

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7. Then you can provide the virtual hard disk size. Here I set it to 50 GB. Then click the button Create.

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8. It’s time to start the virtual machine by clicking the button Start.

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9. Then enter the Windows 10 ISO file by clicking the folder icon.

How to Install Windows 10 on Virtualbox

10. The Optical Disk Selector window will appear. And click the button Add to include a Windows 10 ISO file.

windows 10

11. Click the Windows 10 ISO file that you downloaded, then click the button Open.

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12. Next click the button Choose.

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13. Click button Start to start installing Windows 10 in virtualbox.

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14. Then select the language to install Windows 10. Just choose English then click button Next.

windows 10

15. Click button Install Now to install Windows 10.

windows 10

16. You will be asked to enter the product key. But if you don’t have it, then just click the button I dont have a product key.

How to Install Windows 10 on Virtualbox until it's finished

17. Then select the operating system you want to install. You can choose one of the types of operating system output Windows 10. Here I will install Windows 10 Pro. Then click the button Next.

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18. Check the optionsi I accept the license terms. Then click the button Next.

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19. Click menu Custom: Install Windows only (advanced) to install Windows 10.

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20. Then you have to create a hard disk partition as a file storage and also for the system. Click button New. Then in the Size section, provide the size of the partition you want to use. Then click the button Apply.

windows 10

21. Click on section Drive 0 Partition 2, then click Next.

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22. Now you just need to wait until the Windows 10 installation process is complete.

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23. Then you will be asked to select a region. Just choose a region United States.

windows 10

24. Then you will be asked to choose a keyboard layout, click US.

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25. In the section to add a second keyboard layout, click the button Skip.

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26. If your computer is not connected to the internet, click the button Next.

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27. Select menu Set up for personal use, because here you are using Windows 10 for personal use. Then click the button Next.

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28. Log in to your Microsoft account, if you don’t have one then you are advised to register first by clicking the button create account. If you already have an account, enter your email address. Then click the button Next. Then type your account password.

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29. For those of you who have just registered for an account, then enter your country by selecting Indonesia and also enter your date of birth. Then click the button Next.

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30. Then create a PIN by clicking Create PIN.

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31. Enter the PIN you want to set, then click the button OK.

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32. Click button Accept.

How to Install Windows 10 on Virtualbox

33. Wait a few moments until the setup process is complete. So now you can enjoy Windows 10 services in VirtualBox.

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That’s the article that explains how to install Windows 10 on VirtualBox. Hopefully this article can be useful for you.

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