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How to Hide Worksheets in Excel (Complete+Image)

NESABAMEDIA.COM – Like rows and columns, Microsoft Excel worksheets or worksheets can also be hidden. If we have a lot of worksheets and some of them have been “fixed” or have been finished so that they don’t need to be changed anymore, we can hide the worksheet for a while.

By hiding it, the number of worksheets displayed will be less or less so that we can work more focused on the rest of the worksheet that is currently displayed.

However, all values ​​and formulas that are in the hidden worksheet will still be there so that they can still be used and do not interfere with cell references in the active/displayed worksheet. So, how do you hide a worksheet in excel?

Well, this time I will share about how to hide worksheets in excel very easily. how do? Just follow the steps below.

How to Hide Worksheets in Excel

There are 3 ways that I will share to hide a worksheet in excel. Please choose which method you want to use. Just take a look at the following steps.

A. Using the Format Menu

1. First, please open and create some sheets in excel. As in the image below.

How to Hide Worksheets in Excel

2. Then, please go to the menu Home which is at the top. As in the image below.

click home

3. Then, please click the menu Format. As in the image below.

click format

4. Then, please click “Hide & Unhide”, and click “Hide Sheets”. As in the image below. Oh yes, make sure you are on the sheet that you want to hide.

How to Hide Worksheets in Excel

5. Then, your sheet will be hidden.

B. Using the Fast Way

1. Please right click on the sheet you want to hide. Then, click “Hide”. As in the image below.

How to Hide Worksheets in Excel

C. Hide Entire Sheet

1. Please click “Files” which is on the top left of you. As in the image below.


2. Then, please click “Options”. As in the image below.

click options

3. Then, please click “Advanced”. As in the image below.

click advanced

4. Then, please go to section “Dispay options for this workbook”. Then, please uncheck the “Show sheet tabs” by clicking on the box next to it. Then, please click “OK”. As in the image below.

How to Hide Worksheets in Excel

5. Tadaaaaa,,, your entire sheet has been successfully hidden. As in the image below.


Then, Can We Restore Worksheets in Our Excel?

You can. How do you do it? Please refer to the steps below:

A. Using the Format Menu

1. First, please open your Microsoft Excel.

2. Then, please go to the menu Home which is at the top. As in the image below.

click home

3. Then, please click the menu Format. As in the image below.

click format

4. Then, please click “Hide & Unhide”, and click “Unhide Sheets”. As in the image below.

unhide sheet

5. Then, please select which sheet you want to display again. Then, please click “OK”. As in the image below.

select sheet

B. Displaying Entire Sheet

1. Please click “Files” which is on the top left of you. As in the image below.


2. Then, please click “Options”. As in the image below.

click options

3. Then, please click “Advanced”. As in the image below.

click advanced

4. Then, please go to section “Dispay options for this workbook”. Then, please check on “Show sheet tabs” by clicking on the box next to it. Then, please click “OK”. As in the image below.

How to Hide Worksheets in Excel

5. Tadaaaaa,,, your entire sheet has been successfully displayed again. As in the image below.


Well, how? The method is quite easy and very simple right? Now we can hide and show the sheet again in excel. If we don’t want to know the contents of our worksheet, we can hide it right away.

That’s how to easily hide a worksheet in Excel that you can try. If this article can help you, please share it with your friends so they also know how to easily hide worksheets in Excel. Hopefully this article can be useful for all of us. If there is a writing error, please forgive me. Thank you

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