How to earn money from youtube without uploading videos
Youtube as a very popular video streaming application is no longer a strange thing if you are able to pay for its youtubers. In fact, many have fantastic income too. The question arises, is there a way to earn money from YouTube without uploading videos? Because as we know we have to be productive.
Youtube will pay you, and even then if your channel meets the applicable requirements. Then if you meet the requirements, can you not upload videos but still earn? Of course you’re curious right?
How To Get Money From Youtube Without Uploading Videos
For beginners or new youtubers, generally they will think you will really be able to get paid and also have to go through the videos that you make purely, right? So you have to look for ideas for your content and videos on the youtube channel.
However, you should also know which information, in fact, you can also edit existing videos or repost which of course you have to go through the editing stage first. This will help you escape and avoid broadcast rights so that you will be banned if you are exposed to it.
How To Get Money From Youtube Without Uploading Videos
You certainly don’t want to have gone to great lengths to build your channel and then with one copyrighted show you get banned. So, it’s answered, can you get money from YouTube without uploading videos, of course you can but with certain risks.
- First of all, you have to enter the Youtube application, you can access it via your cellphone or even your laptop or PC.
- Next, of course, you must already have a channel, so you also have to log in immediately if you haven’t logged in before.
- Next, you can go directly to this link or page so you can access YouTube via a browser.
- Next you will go to a page where you will be able to see a row of other people’s videos which you can edit and remix as well. Next you can directly tap the CC icon which you can give a title which is certainly related to the video.
- If you have given a title, you can immediately search for various kinds of videos, how to add them is very easy, you just need to drag them and combine the many videos easily.
- Once you’ve done that, just click the create video button at the top right of the page.
- Next you just have to wait for the process to finish up to 15 minutes maximum so make sure the network you are using is good,
- After all, you can directly upload the video. Well, to be able to produce, of course, this can be done if your channel has met these requirements.
So, that’s a way that you can use to earn money from youtube without having to upload videos and make your own videos that take quite a long time. That is all and thank you.
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