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How to Compress Video WITHOUT Reducing Quality (Full+Image)

Watching videos or movies on the computer is certainly one of the activities that is quite often done. Even for some people, watching videos can also become a habit and a desire arises to collect favorite movies or video series that appear continuously on the Internet. However, it is undeniable that we often feel that the size of a video or film is too large so that it takes up enough space in computer storage.

In this article we offer a solution by compressing your video. This compressing activity is intended to reduce the size of an image or video file. But the thing to remember is that this compressing activity sometimes also reduces the quality of your video.

Therefore, here we use a software called Handbrake to compress your video. Actually, there are still many software options with similar working methods, but we recommend using Handbrake because the video compression process can be set to reduce the size without reducing the quality as well. In addition, this software is also relatively light and can be used on all operating systems, both Windows, Mac-OS or Linux.

How to Compress Videos Without Reducing Quality

Immediately below, we will explain the steps on how to compress videos using the Handbrake software, which are as follows:

1. First open and run the Handbrake application on your PC or laptop. Below is the initial screen when Handbrake starts up.

How to Compress Videos

2. You first search for the video or film that will be compressed by going to Source then click File, then find and select the video you want.

first find the video or movie to be compressed

3. After selecting the desired video, you will be taken back to the main page, along with a description of the video to be compressed.

choose the desired video

4. Don’t forget to also specify the destination folder or commonly called the output folder setting by clicking Browse, also type the name of the output file and make sure the name is not the same as other videos with the same extension as well. Below is the display after determining Destination file and its file name.

How to Compress Videos

5. Under options Destination there is Output Settings to adjust the output of the compressed video, this is the most important part if you want to compress settings without reducing video quality.

Note: The file that I compress initially has the extension .mkv and in this view it will be changed to the extension .mp4

want compress settings

6. In the sub menu Videos there are settings Video Codec. Term Codec This is an abbreviation of Codec – Decoder or commonly called Compressor – Decompressor. This setting is very important to adjust the video size after compression, bit rate and compatibility with media player software. In general, the standard codec settings that are often used are: H.264 and H.265.

How to Compress Videos with Handbrake

7. When finished and you are sure with all the settings, the compressing process can be started by clicking Start, wait a few moments until the process is complete.

clicking Start

8. The video compression process may take a few minutes depending on the video to be compressed and the settings being executed.

Video compression process

Check the output in the destination folder that you specified earlier. You may create other settings other than those we have described, but first know the purpose of each of the settings provided to match the output you want.

That’s how to compress videos using Handbrake, the results or output of each video may be different, depending on the video format, resolution and other factors.

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