This year, the online BlizzCon Merch Sale is open to BlizzCon ticket holders and BlizzCon 2021 Virtual Ticket holders as of October 10, 2021, and opens to everyone a week later, on October 17. After purchasing your Virtual Ticket, your Blizzard account will be automatically tagged to purchase BlizzCon items from the Blizzard Gear Store. This means that BlizzCon 2021 Virtual Ticket owners benefit from early access to the BlizzCon Merch Sale. Although, at this time it is no longer valid because it has passed from the 17th.
Regarding the BlizzCon Merch Sale, there is a code for early access to the sale of BlizzCon merchandise in your Blizzard account. These codes are emailed directly to ticket buyers, so if a friend buys a ticket for you, ask them for your code.
All BlizzCon Merch Sale orders will be shipped from the United States; not all countries are eligible to participate, and international shipping rates and other fees may apply. For Indonesia, UPS and FedEx are included in countries that can use the services of the two companies. This makes Indonesia not included in the list of exceptions.
In-Game Bonus Items
Every BlizzCon, Blizzard gives attendees an array of in-game items and a BlizzCon 2021 Virtual Ticket to say “thank you!” To the world’s most epic gaming community. There are already several bonus items available, and some of them not yet. Check out the in-game bonus items you’ll get for your favorite Blizzard games when you join BlizzCon 2021 in person or when you order a BlizzCon 2021 Virtual Ticket.
World of Warcraft: Stormwind Skychaser and Orgrimmar Interceptor
Heroes from Azeroth can show their BlizzCon spirit with the Stormwind Skychaser mount (for the Alliance) and the Orgrimmar Interceptor mount (for the Horde!). This item is already in the in-game MMORPG World of Warcraft.
Overwatch: BlizzCon 2021 Winston Skin
Through the power of science, Winston found himself teleported to BlizzCon 2021—and picked up this souvenir skin to mark the moment. This item already exists in the in-game FPS Overwatch games.
StarCraft II: Junker SCV, Probe, and Drone Skins
Found on the outskirts of the city by a mob of notorious terran explorers scouring the Korprulu sector for rescue, SCVs, Probes and Drones are mounted and ready to tackle your dirty work. This item is already in the in-game Starcraft II.
Heroes of the Storm: Nexis Razorback Mount and More
Tackle the battle on a Nexus Razorback mount, make your mark on the Battlegrounds with the BlizzCon 2021 Banner and Cartoon Nexus Razorback Spray, and show off your BlizzCon spirit with your BlizzCon 2021 portrait. This item is coming to Heroes of the Storm soon.
Diablo III: Murkromancer Pet
Nothing escapes the Murkromancer Pet! Rumor has it that this necrotic water companion can command soldiers of fish to die, which is pretty handy as you might think. This item is coming soon to the Diablo III games.
Hearthstone: Mystery Goodie
What’s in the deck for Hearthstone players? The innkeeper wasn’t quite ready to show his hand yet! This item comes after the BlizzCon event is over.
That’s the latest game news that comes from the annual BlizzCon 2021 event about BlizzCon 2021 Virtual Ticket Owner Benefits. Don’t forget to always monitor the latest news from computer games, as well as other Blizzard games only at!
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