Hard to Kill! The Latest, Strongest, Best Top Global Khufra (ML) Item Build
Are you looking for the strongest Khufra RRQ LJ gear item, sick and deadly? Don’t worry, this time we will provide some information regarding Khufra Mobile Legends (ML).
This time we will discuss thoroughly about this versatile tank hero. Khufra is indeed the hero of choice for the tank class, he can counter various heroes such as Fanny, Gusion, and others. In addition, Khufra can also be a good initiator when teamfight.
His skills can add magical and physical defense while being able to give additional damage according to his HP. Therefore you need the right gear so that Khufra becomes a tank that is difficult to kill by his opponent.
Well, in this article we will provide information about Khufra Mobile Legends, starting from the advantages and disadvantages, skill sets, emblems and spells, to the strongest Khufra build item. For those of you who are curious, please read this article to the end.
The Strengths and Weaknesses of Khufra Mobile Legends (ML)
- Very thick with physical and magical defense
- Very good for starting a teamfight or gank
- Have skills with a lot of crowd control
- Counter for various heroes
- Some skills have a long cooldown
- The skill has little damage for the tank class
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Khufra’s Skill Set
Passive – Spell Curse
Khufra activates the Spell Curse left by Esmeralda every 12 seconds to increase the range of her next Basic Attack, dealing Magic Damage equal to (+120% Total Physical ATK) plus 6% of her maximum HP on enemies and slowing them by 30% . Lasts for 1.5 seconds. Meanwhile, Khufra recovered 8% of his maximum HP.
Every time Khufra uses his Skill to cause a Control effect on an opposing Hero, the Spell Curse Cooldown will be reduced by 4 seconds.
Skill 1 – Tyrant’s Revenge
Khufra pulls the bandage on his arm to throw himself in the designated direction, dealing Physical Damage equal to 80 plus 10(+1.5% Extra Physical ATK)% of his maximum HP to all enemy units in his path. When Blinking to the furthest distance or hitting the first enemy Hero, Khufra will immediately stop, dealing Physical Damage equal to 80 plus 10(+1.5% Extra Physical ATK)% of his maximum HP to nearby enemies and then causing an effect. Knock-up on them for up to 1.1 seconds.
- Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11/10 seconds
- Mana Cost: 80/85/90/95/100/105
- Path Damage: 80/110/140/170/200/230
- Knockup Damage: 80/110/140/170/200/230
Skill 2 – Bounce Ball
Khufra uses bandages to wrap himself into a Magic Bounce Ball, increasing his Physical & Magic Defense by 60%. Opponents who try to use the Blink Skill to move past Khufra will be hit by a knock-up effect.
Every time the Magic Bouncing Ball hits the ground, it will deal Magic Damage equal to 30 plus 6(+2% Extra Physical ATK)% of its maximum HP to nearby enemies and slow them down by 80%. Lasts for 0.5 seconds.
- Cooldown: 10 seconds
- Mana Cost: 70/75/80/85/90/95
- Defense Increase: 60/68/76/84/92/100%
- Basic Damage: 30/45/60/75/90/105
Skill 3 – Tyrant’s Rage
Khufra pulls back all surrounding enemy targets towards him, dealing 300(+100% Total Physical ATK) points of Physical Damage and slowing them down for 1.25 seconds. If an opponent is knocked into a wall, extra physical damage equal to 150% of this skill’s damage will be dealt to them, and they will be stunned, not slowed.
- Cooldown: 50/45/40
- Mana Cost: 150/200/250
- Basic Damage: 300/450/600
- Slow down Duration: 1.25/1.5/1.75
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Build the Strongest and Sickest Khufra Mobile Legends Item (Season 20 Update 2021)
1. Courage Mask
- +700 HP
- +10% Cooldown Reduction
- +25 Movement Speed
Active Skill-Encourage:
Increases Movement Speed by 30% and Physical and Magic Attack by 20% to nearby heroes and team heroes for 3 seconds. This skill has a cooldown of 80 seconds. Cannot receive Conceal and Encourage effects again for 80 seconds.
Unique Passive-Bravery:
Increases 10% Physical & Magic Attack, 10% Physical & Magic Defense and 50% HP & Mana Regen for nearby teammates.
Unique Passive-Devotion:
In the first 9 minutes of a match, you don’t get EXP and Gold from Minions or Creeps and will not affect teammates’ Exp and Gold if there are teammates without Equipment Roam, or they have more EXP or Gold than you around you.
Unique Passive-Thriving:
Gain 25% Gold and additional EXP with Assist. When your Gold ranks 5th in your team. You will get 14 Gold every 4 seconds. When your EXP ranks 5th in your team, you will gain 30 EXP every 4 seconds.
2. Warrior Boots
- +22 Physical Defense
- +40 Movement Speed
Unique Passive-Valor:
Physical Defense will increase by 5 each time receiving a Basic Attack, up to a maximum of 25. Lasts for 3 seconds.
3. Cursed Helmet
- +1200 HP
- + 25 Magical Defense
Unique Passive-Burning Soul:
Gives 1.5% Magic Defense equivalent to the opponent’s Max HP around per second. Damage will increase by 50% to Minions.
4. Antique Cuirass
- +920 HP
- +54 Physical Defense
- +6 HP Regen
Unique Passive-Deter:
When attacked by an enemy hero, reduces the opponent’s physical attack by 10%. This effect lasts for 2 seconds and can be Stacked up to 3 times.
5. Immortality
- +800 HP
- +40 Physical Defense
Unique Passive-Immortal:
Resurrect 2 seconds after being eliminated and gain 15% HP and a shield that can absorb 300-1000 damage. (Scales with Hero Level) Shield lasts for 3 seconds. This effect has a cooldown of 180 seconds.
6. Queen’s Wings

- +15 Physical Attack
- +1000 HP
- +10% Cooldown Reduction
Unique Passive-Demonize:
Reduces damage taken by 40% when HP is below 40% and increases Physical Lifesteal by 40%. Lasts for 5 seconds. This effect has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
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Khufra Battle Spell
Khufra is very suitable to use Flicker, because this spell can be a good combination for his ultimate. In addition, Flicker also helps Khufra to chase enemies or escape.
In addition, the Revitalize spell is also suitable for Khufra which is useful for restoring the HP of himself or his teammates around him.
Move a certain distance in a specified direction. Then get 5(+1*Hero Level) Physical & Magic Defense for 1 second.
Summons Healing Spring which restores 2.5% Max HP every 0.5 seconds for teammates in the area of effect for 5 seconds. Increases Shield and HP Regen by 25% for teammates in the area of effect (this effect cannot be Stacked).
Khufra Emblem Set
Custom Tanks
At level 60, the Custom Tank Emblem Set will provide the following bonuses:
- Armor: +10.00
- Magic Resistance: +10.00
- HP: +345.00
- Cooldown Reduction: +2.00%
- HP Regen: + 18.00
Custom Support
At level 60, the Custom Support Emblem Set will provide the following bonuses:
- Hybrid Regen + 10.00
- Hybrid Penetration + 12.00
- Cooldown Reduction + 5.00%
- Movement Speed + 4.00%
- HP + 183.00
Khufra is often banned because this hero has skills that can give CC effects to enemies. However, lately he has often escaped being banned. This is your chance to pick a versatile tank hero to face the enemies in the match later.
Always use skills wisely because Khufra has a relatively long cooldown. Hide behind the bushes, use skill 1 to jump to the enemy then use skill 2 and let the hero carry team finish him off.
Hopefully this article can help those of you who are looking for the strongest and sickest Khufra build item. There are still many of the best Mobile Legends build items following the latest meta that we haven’t discussed. So, just wait for the next build update and don’t miss to download the Khufra Mobile Legends Full HD wallpaper.
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