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Guide Clint Mobile Legends: The Desert Cowboy Sniper

Clint is one of the Marksman heroes in Mobile Legends.

Clint has the right mix of active and passive skills.

Clint’s passive skill will make his basic attack able to penetrate / penetrate the enemy behind.

Clint is also very suitable to be used to attack fellow Marksman heroes.

Uniquely, Clint is able to attack Marksman heroes beyond their reach.

Well, for those of you who want to try using Clint in Mobile Legends, it’s a good idea to follow the Clint Mobile Legends Guide below.

This guide will explain what items Clint must use along with a full explanation.

Read also:

Karina Mobile Legends active and passive skills

Before discussing what are the best items that are suitable for Clint to use, it’s a good idea to get to know the skills this cowboy has.

The following are Clint’s skills and their explanations:

Quick Draw

When finished using the skill, then the next basic attack from Clint will hit all enemies in a straight line.

Damage to be received is 120%.

Blind Smoke

Like a ninja, Clint will throw smoke balls at the enemy and deal 150/180/210/240/270/300 damage.

Not only that, enemies that fall within Blind Smoke’s range will also get a speed reduction effect of 60%.

This skill is very suitable to be used as an opening skill so that the enemy cannot escape from your trap.

Heel Rope

Clint will throw a net at the opponent. When hit by an opponent, he will receive 140/160/180/200/220/240 points of damage.

Not only that, Heel Rope also has a slow effect like Blind Smoke.

Enemies hit by the Heel Rope will slow down.


Clint’s ultimate skill. Clint will attack using a grenade that will deal 230/290/350 points of damage to the affected enemy.

Uniquely, you can collect up to 5 grenades.

The best gear for Clint Mobile Legends

guide clint mobile legends

Are you interested in using Clint in Mobile Legends? If you are used to it and use the right items, then Clint will be a very dangerous hero for your enemies.

To maximize Clint, here are the best recommended items that you must use:

Endless Battle

endless battle

Endless Battle is very good for you to buy when using Clint.

There are 6 things you can get from this item, starting from additional physical attacks to adding mana.

However, this item is not recommended for you to buy at the beginning of the game.

Endless Battle is very suitable to be purchased in the mid game.

If purchased at the beginning of the game, you will not be able to increase the level to the maximum.

Thor’s Sting

thor's string

This item will make you have a faster attack speed.

Your running speed will also increase by 8%. Very useful for chasing enemies or running away when your HP is dying.

Plus, the possibility of a critical attack will also be greater by buying this item.

Swift Boots

swift boots

There is no long explanation about this one item.

You must already know its function, which is to increase Clint’s attack speed.

And of course your walking speed will also increase.

The Swift Boots shoe item is the most suitable for carry heroes like Clint.

So, don’t buy other shoe items. Make sure you buy Swift Boots.

Blade of Destruction

blade of destruction

Clint has a very advantageous passive skill. Making it able to attack enemies from a long distance, further than Marksman heroes in general.

By increasing the probability of a critical attack, it will make Clint’s passive skill even better.

And there’s no more suitable item for that than the Blade of Destruction.

With this item the possibility of you attacking with a critical attack is getting bigger.

Blade of Despair

blade of despair

After increasing the critical damage status, our next focus is to increase the damage.

Blade of Despair is an item that is very suitable for increasing Clint’s damage.

Wind Chaser

wind chaser

The last item you must buy when using Clint in Mobile Legends is the Wind Chaser.

This item is a complementary item for Clint in the late game.

This item will increase your physical attack. So you can balance the opponent’s hero whose defense is starting to get thick.

The best recommended Battle Spell for Clint Mobile Legends is Retribution

Why Retribution?

This battle spell will increase the amount of experience and gold you get from killing forest monsters.

That way, you can level up faster.

Summary of Guide Clint Mobile Legends

The best recommended items for Clint Mobile Legends:

  • Endless Battle – Increases physical attack, movement speed and mana.
  • Thor’s Sting – increase attack speed, movement speed and critical attack probability.
  • Swift Boots – increase attack speed and movement speed. Swift Boots are the most suitable shoe item for Clint.
  • Blade of Destruction – Increases attack and critical probability.
  • Blade of Despair – an item that will increase Clint’s attack. Clint desperately needed in the late game.
  • Wind Chaser – makes Clint’s attacks even more painful.

Battle spell recommendations for Clint:

Retribution, which will help Clint in accumulating experience and gold. Very useful early in the game.

Additional tips for using Clint in battle in Mobile Legends

In battle, Clint is needed by his team as a damage dealer.

That means Clint is tasked with draining the opponent’s hero’s blood so that it can be defeated quickly.

At the beginning of the game, it is highly recommended that you take the mid lane (middle lane).

Increase farming at the beginning of the game so you can quickly level up and collect a lot of gold.

Well, only after entering the mid game, you can join ganking with other team members.

Make sure that you are behind the Tanker or Fighter. This is a must, because Clint does not have a high defense.

Do not be rash to enter into battle if it is not profitable.

If that’s not possible, it’s better to keep your distance and wait for the right time.

Remember, if you die, the team will lose its valuable dealer damage. So the team will find it difficult to kill the opponent.

You are also lucky when using Clint, because Clint is equipped with a unique ultimate skill.

Clint’s ultimate skill can be stacked up to 5 pieces. So you can use it in a very fast time lag.

Clint’s 2nd skill besides being able to be used to attack opponents, can also be used to escape.

That’s because after removing skill 2, Clint will do a backward somersault with a considerable distance. If you are smart enough, you can use this skill to escape as well as attack.

Since you are using the Battle spell Retribution, then you must make good use of it. That is by multiplying farming at the beginning of the game.

Other Mobile Legends Guides:

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