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5 Best Mobile Legends Fighters That Can Be The Team's Mainstay

Among the many Fighter heroes in Mobile Legends, these 5 heroes have proven to have excellent strength and skills. It is very suitable to be the spearhead of the team in the match.

In the Mobile Legends game, team composition is very important. Each player must use a role that can complement the other team members.

Well, this time Androbuntu will discuss the 5 best fighter heroes who can be the team’s mainstay in battle. These 5 heroes have good skills, also supported by high damage.

Hero fighter role is needed in a team because it can be an initiator. In addition, many fighter heroes in Mobile Legends have crowd control skills.

This skill is one that the team needs in an effort to win a teamfight.

There is also a very good fighter hero in the push tower business. The following are the 5 best fighter heroes in Mobile Legends.

1. Lapu-lapu

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The opposing team’s mage and marksman are often troublesome heroes.

Therefore, your team needs a hero who is able to hunt down the two heroes.

Well, one of the best fighter heroes that can be used to bully mages and marksman is Lapu-lapu.

If you often play Mobile Legends, of course you know exactly the strength of this one fighter.

Lapu-lapu is equipped with several skills that are very useful in nuke as well as helping him in farming (looking for gold).

Mage and marksman will be overwhelmed against Lapu-lapu thanks to Justice Blade and Brace Stance skills.

Lapu-lapu is a hero who is very suitable to be juxtaposed with his friends who have disabled skills like Franco.

Lapu-lapu can also be an optimal damage dealer, so it can help assassins and marksmans to finish off opponents faster.

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2. Roger

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You may know Roger as a marksman. But, that was when he was in human form.

When he transforms into a werewolf, his role will also change to that of a fighter.

In werewolf mode, Roger has very painful damage.

Roger also has a very deadly skill, namely attacking using both claws.

The effect is no less deadly, when the opponent’s HP is still full, Roger will give additional damage from each attack to his opponent’s hero.

These skills make Roger one of the fighter heroes who can spearhead the team.

But, be careful when using Roger. Because Roger also has weaknesses.

When he became a fighter, Roger did not have the ability to disable. This will be troublesome because the opponent’s hero can escape easily.

Therefore, it is highly recommended for those of you who use Roger to work with a tanker or mage hero, especially those who have disabled skills.

3. Freya

Freya Mobile Legends

Among all the heroes on this list, Freya is my favorite fighter in Mobile Legends. Freya is very good in close combat.

Freya is also a hero who is ideal for eradicating assassins and mages.

In addition to having high damage, Freya can also provide fast attacks.

Already, it can give a stun effect to the opponent.

That way the opponent will not be able to escape from his grasp.

Freya is ideal for being a damage dealer on the team to eradicate all the opposing team’s heroes.

4. Chou

Chou Mobile Legends

In my experience when fighting Chou, he is a very troublesome hero fighter. Rarely do I get away from it.

Especially when I’m using a carry hero, it feels like Chou is very easy to beat me. That’s his The Way of Dragon skill arena.

This skill has a very good crowd control ability.

Although his defense is not as high as other fighter heroes, Chou has high survivability. It was thanks to his agility.

For the equipment itself, it is highly recommended to use equipment that provides physical and magical defense effects.

So that Chou will become more difficult to kill.

5. Zilong

The Strongest Assassin Hero in Mobile Legends

This hero, previously named Zhao Yun, is a favorite of all players, especially when playing in Ranked Mode.

Zilong is a very good pusher hero to destroy the opponent’s tower quickly. It was because of his ability that supported him.

Apart from being very good at push tower matters, Zilong is also reliable in ganking.

With his Spear Flip skill, Zilong will be able to disable the opponent’s hero easily.

Well, those are the 5 best fighter heroes in Mobile Legends. These 5 heroes can be the spearhead and mainstay in the team.

So, who is your favorite fighter hero?

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