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5 Mobile Legends Heroes That Can Be Zhask's Draw Opponents

Zhask is one of the newest heroes presented by Moonton to Mobile Legends.

This hero has become a new idol for players, especially in advanced servers.

No wonder, because this Zhask is really cool. Both in terms of appearance and skill.

Zhask is equipped with high damage, typical of Mage heroes in general. Moreover, Zhask has 4 active skills, making it a frightening specter for the opposing team.

It’s even very difficult to beat Zhask, if you have to face him on the battlefield.

But actually, there are 5 heroes who can be a draw opponent for Zhask. Who are they? Read the review below.

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5 Mobile Legends Heroes That Can Be Zhask’s Draw Opponents

1. Miya

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This beautiful marksman can be a draw opponent for Zhask.

Having high damage and very easy to use are two of Miya’s main assets in balancing Zhask.

Even with his Turbo Stealth skill, it makes Miya able to catch Zhask easily if he tries to run away.

2. Hylos

Hylos Mobile Legends

Gylos is indeed a Tanker. But that doesn’t mean that Hylos can’t keep up with Zhask on the battlefield.

Remember, Hylos has Law and Order skills and Ring of Punishment.

With these two high-damage skills, Zhask will lose its durability.

That way Zhask can be easier to beat.

3. Karina

The Strongest Assassin Hero in Mobile Legends

Karina is one of the Assassin heroes who is the mainstay of Mobile Legends players.

Karina is famous for having sick melee attacks.

Since Zhask has a not-so-good defense, it will certainly be easier for Karina to penetrate.

Especially with Karina’s Dance of Death skill, it can hurt even more when it hits Zhask.

4. Argus

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Argus, a hero who in appearance is not much different from Zhask can also be a strong candidate to balance Zhask.

In terms of defense, Argus is superior to Zhask.

With the Demonic Grip skill, Argus can go somewhere quickly. Perfect for finding Zhask to fight.

With this skill, Zhask will be surprised because Argus will suddenly appear and attack him brutally.

5. Odette

Odette Mobile Legends

With her Swan Song, Odette could be an opponent to be reckoned with by Zhask.

Armed with a fairly large base attack, Odette is enough to make it difficult for Zhask.

Especially with the Blue Nova skill that will bind Zhask, so he can’t move.

How about you, still afraid to fight Zhask? Certainly not if you have used the 5 heroes above.

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