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Fun! Apex Legends Will Be Playable on Smartphones, Jakarta – As Fortnite and PUBG available at smartphone, Apex Legends will also be able to be played by smartphone gamers. Electronic Arts (EA) as publisherhas also confirmed the news.

Quoted from Uberizmo, Thursday (09/05/2021), EA wants to bring Apex Legends to devices mobile.

They confirmed that it is currently in the negotiation stage to release games it is in smartphone. However, EA has not provided valid information about the exact time of its release.

“We are in negotiations to bring it to China and for the mobile user market. We will inform further if the negotiations are completed,” explained EA.

{Also read: Respawn Blocks 770 Thousand Cheaters in Apex Legends}

“With the company’s decision to make new innovations related to Apex Legends, we hope to take advantage of this opportunity well for marketing other games,” they added.

The plan, EA will release games version smartphone in China and Korea. EA also stated that Apex Legends is a game franchises cultivated with the fastest growth. The company also wants to expand its reach and availability games globaly.

Games it appears as one games The popular Battle Royale with Fortnite. However, games made by Electronic Arts and Respawn were complained by the fans gamers.

{Also read: Apparently, this is the reason Apex Legends rarely updates}

Yes a lot gamers complained about the lack of content or feature updates in it, which is different when compared to Fortnite, which continues to release updates or new features.

Responding to the complaints of gamers, Executive Producer Respawn, Drew McCoy gave surprising facts behind the infrequent practice of Apex Legends. updates. McCoy explained they wanted to avoid a crisis in employees that could quickly cause them to burn out. (BA/FHP)

Source: Uberzmo

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