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Eudora's Gear Item Full Deadly Damage

mrfdn – Eudora is the first mage-type hero in mobile legendsetc.

Unlike other new heroes. He is able to issue a bolt of lightning that will kill all enemies around him.

Maybe you are wondering why you have to use Eudora today? Don’t worry because even though this hero is old, Eudora is always the target to be killed the first time because it is very disturbing to the enemy, especially in the late game.

The following are tutorials and tips for making a full damage Eudora hero.
the latest sick build of eudora mobile legends

Eudora’s Advantages

  • Eudora will be very sick at the end of the game. He can kill the enemy in just one skill, namely skill 3
  • Eudora’s main strength is in the correct build magic power or mage
  • Easy-to-use heroes

Eudora’s Disadvantages

  • All mage heroes are soft at the beginning, even when fighting minions and towers the blood runs out fast
  • Fighting monsters alone in the jungle alone can lose at the initial level
  • It takes a lot of gold to quickly level up

Eudora’s Skills

  • Skill 1 – Eudora will attack the enemy by shocking lightning. Whoever is near him must be hit. This is useful when fighting a lot of minions early in the game.
  • Skill 2 – Eudora will do a stunt to the enemy, so it can’t move in a few seconds
  • Skill 3 – Eudora’s ulti will kill all enemies around him in an instant. This is what makes Eudora avoided at the end of the game, even being the main target to be killed first.

So the order of Eudora’s combo skills is

Skill 2 >> skill 1 >> skill 3
Skill 2 >> skill 3

Build gear Eudora full damage that kills the enemy

  • Rapid boost – to increase the speed of moving from one place to another
  • Lightning truncheon – to increase Eudora’s mana and magic power
  • Holy crystal – to increase magic power
  • Divine glaive – to increase magic power
  • Blood wings – to increase magic power and hp
  • Clock of destiny – to increase magic power, hp and mana

Battle spell

Flickr – to quickly escape from enemies when suddenly attacked or to avoid crowd situations

Eudora’s Emblem

Custom mage – to maximize the magic power of Eudora. Not magical but mage.

Tips for playing Eudora to be savage

  • Build Eudora as fast as possible so you can level up fast
  • Don’t do jungle alone at the beginning of the game
  • Always go with one hero fighter or tank from the beginning to the end such as akai, balmon, alucard, or zilong
  • Avoid the turret when alone
  • The team must be compact, some are jungle and some stay in the turret so they can level up quickly. Don’t go all the way to the front of the lane, without paying attention to the monsters in the jungle.

Eudora is weak against fighter heroes and assassins like

  • Zilong
  • Alucard
  • Layla
  • Hayabusa

Read also :: Tips for playing mobile legends for beginners

The final word

Eudora is suitable for learning to play hero mage for beginners. Including me, I also get a lot of win streaks when using this Eudora. This is my favorite hero that I have used for a long time.

Those are tips on how to build a good Eudora mobile legend to get savage, legendary, and even maniac. Good luck.

Eudora’s Gear Deadly

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