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Easy Ways to Practice 10 Finger Typing to Fluently Write Blog Articles

The benefits of the 10 finger typing technique that I feel right now

mrfdn – One of the skills that should be improved for a blogger is to type quickly using 10 fingers. For people who have been using the keyboard for a long time, they must be familiar with the term.

But for beginners, who just heard it might be a little bit confused. What does that mean?

Well, the notion of typing 10 fingers is one technique to type quickly. By utilizing both of our hands, by utilizing the ten fingers that we have.

By mastering this 10 finger technique, you will be able to write any word that comes to mind. I myself have experienced the benefits of typing 10 fingers. I can easily type quickly, so I don’t have to look at the keyboard again. Just focus on the monitor screen while typing.

I started learning 10 finger typing when I was in junior high school, at that time I had a new computer at home, and in the school library I discovered how to type 10 fingers on a manual typewriter. I borrowed it, then at home I practiced it. And thank God now knowledge is useful. At that time I did not know the name of the internet, only read from books.

The main requirement is not to peek at the keyboard while typing.

Curious how to type 10 fingers? Let’s continue to see the discussion here.

For beginners, you must place your hands on the keyboard, the index finger of your left hand is placed on the f key, while the index finger of your right hand is placed on the letter j. While the fingers that are after the index finger follow the path left and right so that the left little finger will touch the letter a, while the right little finger will touch the colon button on the keyboard.

You can start learning to type 10 fingers. Now there are good apps to train your hands to type fast. The application can be an exercise, there are even applications that are made like games. So that way the hand becomes more nimble to type.

Applications that you can use are Typeracer and 10fastfingers.


In this application you can play while learning to use your fingers to type text that appears on the screen. By displaying the car icon, there you will meet several people live and then compete to complete the text / writing that appears on the screen. Whoever is faster then he is the winner.

But unfortunately the text that can be entered is only text in English.

10 finger typing practice

At the end of the competition, you will be shown how many words you can write in one minute, expressed in words per minute (wpm). Eh, I’m the first winner, hihi..

10 Fast fingers

Unlike the applications above, on 10fastfingers you can choose the language you want to use. And the good thing is that there is Indonesian. You just try to type the text that appears, if the result is red it means you have pressed the wrong key or letter. If the writing turns green, it means your writing is correct.

practice 10 finger typing with 10fastfingers app

This application gives you 1 minute to complete all the posts that appear. After that it will show how many words you can type in one minute on average.

So that’s it guys 2 applications that can help you practice typing 10 fingers. Which one do you choose? Please try it yourself.

The ability to type fast is not a day or two that can be directly mastered, but it takes quite a long time to be able to type smoothly. By continuing to practice, our fingers will be more agile as well.

Hope it is useful.

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