The nickname you give will become your character’s identity when you play the game later. Unfortunately, the name or nickname that you have created cannot be changed just like that. You can change the color of the character’s costume only. But don’t worry, there is a special way to change your nickname in the Among Us game.
Well, if you want to know how to change your nickname in Among Us, you can follow the steps that Kabar Games will explain below. It’s easy, it’s not difficult, as long as you read the article to the end.
Have Internet Access
The first step you have to do to change the nickname in Among Us is to connect to the internet network. You have to do this condition, you can’t not. The reason is, you can change your nickname only if you are online. If you don’t connect to the internet, even if your gadget or PC crashes, you won’t be able to change the nickname you created in Among Us.
Choose Online Mode Next, to change the nickname in Among Us, on the menu display, select online mode. You must use this online mode in order to change your nickname in Among Us. For information, there are two modes to choose from, namely local mode and online mode. Local mode for those of you who want to play with close friends and offline. This mode does not require the player to have internet access.
It’s just that there must be one that is the main center of the hotspot. While the online mode, requires internet access to be able to play the game. This mode is what you have to choose so you can change your name in Among Us. Online mode itself is further divided into three.
First host mode: In this mode, you can create a room at will. You will act as the owner of the room who is free to set the limit on the number of roles to be played. If you still lack players to play, the system will find and determine them.
Both public modes: This mode allows you to freely choose the available rooms. Usually there are other players who have made a room to play together. You just enter and join in it.
The three private modes: If you want to play with certain people you know and want, this mode can be an option. You can give a password to the room that has been created which will later become the key for other players to be able to enter it.
Use Text Box
After selecting the online mode, then you will see the room selection display. Look at the top middle, there is a text box available to change the nickname. In that box later you can change the nickname as you like. You are free to change your name in Among Us many times.
There is no limit to the number of times you want to change your nickname. Even more fun, you are not charged for changing the name (very kind, yes, the developer of this game). There is no such thing as pay to pay, only an internet network is needed.
However, you can only change your name in Among Us by using regular letters and numbers. You are not allowed to give certain symbols. In addition, there is a limit to the number of letters each time you change your name. It has been explained above that there are two playing modes in Among Us, namely local and online.
Both have different functions and uses. There are advantages and disadvantages of each play mode. For those of you who want to play Among Us in a quota-efficient manner without using internet access, local mode is very suitable to be chosen.
The reason is, in this mode you are not required to be connected to the internet, aka offline and free. How to? You need at least four people to play. Ten is better because it will be more exciting and fun. The people who will play are in close proximity and within range of the cellphone hotspot.
To use this mode, one of the player’s cellphones must be a hotspot or theater network provider. This hotspot serves as the entrance for other players to enter the room. This way, you can play Among Us for free and at no cost.
The advantage of this local mode is that it can be used offline. So you don’t need internet access to play Among Us. In addition, with this mode you can also choose friends you already know to play with.
The drawback is that you can’t use the features in the game freely. Like other games, there are some features that can only be accessed with the help of the internet. Meanwhile, online mode has many options.
There are three rooms to choose from as described above. You just choose the room selection mode as you like. You can connect with many people around the world. However, online mode also has its drawbacks, namely that it must have internet access. You must provide sufficient internet access to be able to play Among Us.
That’s how to change your nickname in Among Us along with the available play modes. It’s easy, right? Just follow the steps above and you are free to change your nickname in Among Us as many times as you want. Good luck.
Kabar Games has summarized some information related to Among Us, including Tips to be a Crewmate in Among Us, Tips and Tricks to Become an Impostor in Among Us and Tips Among Us for Beginners to Become a Pro. Stay tuned for interesting information about games, gadgets and anime only at Kabar Games. So you don’t miss the news, you can follow the news Instagram and Facebook accounts. Don’t forget the KaGe Crew, waiting for your comments!
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