Dota 2: Weaver Counter Hero Tips and Tricks
Weaver is a very difficult hero to kill because of his high mobility. In the middle teamfight, he usually appears and finishes off your team members with damage great physique, then just disappear. Even after successfully wounding him, he was able to return to full HP thanks to Time Lapse.
But beyond mobility as well damage output the big one, Weaver can still be killed easily if you can take advantage of his weaknesses or shortcomings.
1. Weaver Is Very Easy To Kill With Burst Damage

Weaver has a thin HP as well armor which is not too big for the size of the hero agility. As I explained in the guide, Weaver has base stats as well as stats growth which is very bad. Not only that, apart from Linken’s Sphere, items the main shape is raw damage, not adder stats.
This makes Weaver very vulnerable to burst damage with any type. Some heroes who have burst damage big ones like Lina, Lion, and Chaos Knight could easily kill Weaver. One hero I want to mention specifically is Necrophos who can kill Weaver from half HP.
2. As long as you can’t use Shukuchi, Weaver is completely helpless

Prevent Weaver from using Shukuchi with effect silence or stun It is also one of the most effective ways. Shukuchi is skills Weaver’s main thing that makes it so mobile and hard to kill. This mobility is what compensates for the bad base stats as well as stats growth which he has.
There are many examples of heroes that can prevent Weaver from using Shukuchi. Lion is one of the best examples, because besides having two disable, he also has burst damage strong enough to kill Weaver alone. Other heroes such as Faceless Void, Riki, and also Night Stalker can also lock Weaver’s mobility easily.
3. True Sight Can Still Help You Overcome Weaver

Like a hero with invisibility In general, Weaver can be warded off with true sight. Indeed, Shukuchi still allowed Weaver to move very quickly. But at least with true sight you can still catch it and use disable to hold it in one place.
To deal with Weaver, I recommend using Sentry Wards or Gem of True Sight. If you’re using Dust of Appearance, make sure you can hold it in right away with stun or silence and kill it in duration stun or silence the. Otherwise he will use Time Lapse and eliminate debuff The dust he received.
4. Multiple Specific Counters

Here are some counter use items or a specific hero.
- The Rupture of Bloodseeker cannot be removed using Time Lapse. Skills this also prevents him from using Shukuchi because the further Weaver moves, the bigger it gets damage generated by Rupture. Yes, Rupture can indeed be blocked with Linken’s Sphere. But without it, Weaver was almost powerless against skills this.
- Slardar and Bounty Hunter have skills which could make Weaver visible. But what makes Corrosive Haze or Track so effective are, these two skills it has cooldown which is short, so it can be used to break Linken’s Sphere or reused after Time Lapse.
- Blade Mail can also be counter effective for Weaver. Because it has little HP and depends on damage physical, damage return received by Weaver could easily make him die without you having to do anything.
Again, one thing that makes Weaver very difficult to handle is his ability to disappear and change positions quickly. Once you can prevent him from moving freely, he can be handled easily.
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