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Dota 2 Hero Guide: How to Use Juggernaut

Juggernaut is a hero that is quite popularly used, both by those of you who play with All Pick mode in the game Pulic Matchmaking or professionals in the competitive arena. His fairly balanced abilities also make Juggernaut a versatile and very flexible hero.

Juggernaut is also predicted by people as the easiest hero to use to increase MMR. Well, if you want to increase your MMR in a fast tempo, Juggernaut is the right choice of hero. Still “stiff” in playing this hero? Don’t worry, because after reading this guide, you can become a proficient Juggernaut user!

Also read: Dota 2 Hero Guide: Weaver


  • Has a “free” Black King Bar
  • Burst damage tall one
  • Gameplay and build very flexible


  • Without Blade Fury, he is actually quite fragile
  • in extra late game, lost to hero hard carry other

1. Blade Fury

Juggernaut spins and delivers damage per second around him. While the Juggernaut is spinning, it has magic immunity.

  • Radius: 250
  • Damage per second: 85/110/135/160
  • Duration: 5 seconds
  • Cooldown: 42/34/26/18 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 120/110/100/90

Blade Fury is skills mandatory for Juggernaut. In early games, you can do first blood to enough enemies squishy with Blade Fury and Boots of Speed. In addition, Blade Fury also provides magic immunity to the Juggernaut who gave him the option escape mechanism.

Oh yes, when using Blade Fury, you can still attack enemies with normal attacks. Only the attack animation is not visible. However, you must be careful in using Blade Fury at the beginning of the game considering the large number of where required and the duration cooldown.

2. Healing Ward

Juggernaut summons a Healing Ward that can move and do heal against surrounding allies based on the maximum HP percentage.

  • Radius: 500
  • Heal Maximum HP per second: 2%/3%/4%/5%
  • Movement speed: 350
  • Duration: 25 seconds
  • Cooldown: 60 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 140

It could be said that the Healing Ward was one of the skills Best HP regeneration in the game. The regeneration given by the Healing Ward is in the form of a percentage of the maximum HP, meaning skillsthis is capable scaling well and very useful stepping on late game.

You can even do Roshan alone when your Healing Ward already has three levels and of course damage which is enough to kill him within 25 seconds (according to the duration of the Healing Ward). When clash or teamfight, this Healing Ward can help your team to do more sustain and of course hard to kill.

3. Blade Dance

Juggernaut has twice the chance to land a critical hit.

  • Critical opportunities: 20%/25%/30%/35%
  • Damage critical: 180%

Blade Dance is skills which can help Juggernaut in doing farm. Even though the amount damage produced is not as big as Phantom Assassin or Wraith King, Blade Dance has a greater chance of getting out. That means, you will do it faster farm with damage consistent big.

With items right, adder damage and attack speed, Blade Dance can be skills which is lethal because of the critical that continues to come out and produce damage big.

4. Omnislash

The Juggernaut “jumps” at the enemy, attacks him, and looks for other targets at random with a higher attack speed. He will only stop attacking if the duration of Omnislash runs out.

  • Distance casting: 350
  • Target search radius: 425
  • Attack rate divisor: 1.6 seconds
  • Bonus damage: 30/40/50
  • Duration: 3/3.25/3.5 seconds
  • Cooldown: 140 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 200/275/350

Omnislash is skills which is lethal and makes other players afraid to take on the Juggernaut alone. The Omnislash effect will be maximized if you can isolate the enemy hero first before using it (none creeps or other nearby heroes). Omnislash is like a normal attack, meaning all effects orb such as Desolator and Eye of Skadi will be given to the target.

If have attack speed and damage high, one Omnislash can easily kill an isolated hero.

Talent Tree

  • Level 25: +1 second duration of Omnislash or +475HP
  • Level 20: +140 damage per second Blade Fury or +8 armor
  • Level 15: +20 attack speed or +100 movement speed Blade Fury
  • Level 10: +20 movement speed or +5 all stats

Of all skills possessed by the Juggernaut, Blade Fury is the first ability you want to maximize. Total damage given by skills it’s at level four (775 damage before magic resistance) is large enough to finish off the enemy quickly.

I prefer two Healing Ward points in early game rather than Blade Dance. Because, Blade Dance will be more effective if you have damage higher. While the Healing Ward will regenerate your HP according to the maximum HP percentage, so taking it at a low level is still relevant as an option for more sustain in lane.

In addition, at level 10 you can take Roshan with only level three Healing Ward, Phase Boots, Stout Shield/Poor Man Shield, Ring of Aquila, and Yasha/Helm of The Dominator. The trick is to take out the Healing Ward when your blood is about 30 percent low.

However, if your team is playing aggressively while doing push in early gameInvesting in more Blade Dance levels than Healing Ward isn’t a bad thing!


Like agility carry in patches 7.20, stack two or three Wraith Bands as fast as you can. After that you can buy Phase Boots which will give you attack speed as well as armor. The combination of Phase Boots and a few Wraith Bands should do the trick damage enough to do early kill with Omnislash.

One items important for Juggernaut in patches 7.20 is Battle Fury for two main reasons. First, Battle Fury will definitely increase speed farm Juggernaut. Second, with the new Omnislash mechanic, Battle Fury will make damage output from ultimate you are getting taller.

hero dota 2 juggernaut farming guide

After Battle Fury, you can buy Yasha to upgrade attack speed and damage. You can make this Yasha Manta Style or Sange and Yasha depending on the situation. Manta Style will be better if you face the hero with silence, while Sange and Yasha gave resistance status which is quite effective against other disable.

You have very open options when you get two items beginning. If you want to upgrade attack speed as high as possible, you can buy Butterfly and Assault Cuirass. To stats In addition, as well as better chasing abilities, Eye of Skadi is a solid choice. If your team needs initiation, Blink Dagger plus Abyssal Blade will be very helpful. Shadow Blade and Silver Edge can also be an alternative if you really need initiation at once scouting on the front line.

dota 2 juggernaut laning hero guide

Armed with Blade Fury, you should not play too passively. Besides doing farm, it never hurts to look kill if you meet offlaner enemies who have no escape mechanism. Especially if you are accompanied by support with ability disable.

Blade Fury is one of the givers damage biggest at the start of the game. Plus two to three right click, skills this can kill enough heroes squishy. Therefore, your focus is on early game is control lane and take on objectives like Tower.

When you reach level six, don’t let it ultimate you are unemployed. Ask for help support to initiate to the opponent’s hero in lane, and do follow up with Omnislash. If nothing bothers you, even better. You can do free farm and get items your first quickly.

However, don’t get hung up on farm just. As you can read before, don’t make your Omnislash unused for a long time. Always provide TP Scroll to help teamfight, and turn things around with your Blade Fury and Omnislash.

dota 2 juggernaut ganking hero guide

Juggernaut is the most powerful hero when mid game. Level two and three Omnislash (if leveling you are fluent) can give damage big enough to kill support the enemy should be at level 10 at that time. You will immediately get an advantage if you manage to instantly kill one or two heroes at a time team fight.

At this stage, I don’t recommend you to continue doing farm. It will be better for you stick with the team taking several available objectives such as Roshan, Tower, or even doing push high ground up to claiming the Barracks.

If you choose build ganker or chaser, stop doingfarming and start looking for heroes who are alone. At this point, combo Blink Dagger, Diffusal, Omnislash, and Blade Fury are almost 100 percent able to kill anyone who is alone. Again, stop farming.

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The thing you need to know about Juggernaut is that this hero starts to weaken at the end of the game. When hard carry enemy already six slotted, it will be very difficult for you to fight it. Your Omnislash also no longer has as much impact on mid game. Because your enemy’s HP is getting higher, armor they are stronger, and items like Ghost Scepter and Eul Scepter will negate damage received from Omnislash.

Therefore, at this point as much as possible you should stick with the team to do push or do smoke gank first so that push what will be done later will be easier.

If you dominate enough in mid game, your job should be in late game it remains only to finish off the objective “remnants”. However, if the enemy’s defense is strong enough and your team finds it difficult to do so five man push, try strategy split push with the combination of Manta Style and Desolator that you have.

Juggernaut is a fun hero for you to play. This hero can dominate lane blessing skills with damage big he has. Not only that, you can also do last hits easier thanks to Juggernaut’s fast attack animation.

When playing Juggernaut, you need to remember that this hero is not hard carry. You are expected to be able to win the game in phase mid game constantly team fight as well as gank.

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